Screamscape seems to think that Cp will get a vekoma Rockin roleer coaster type ride in the next few years along with a wild mouse. Vekoma?
for any of you who have ridden rockin roller coaster you would want this. i don't think it is true but man that coaster is awsome! Well and it launches i think everyone said they wanted a launching coaster at cp.
magnum of MF now that is a real question.
The only real reason Rock N' Rollercoaster is so good is the elaborate theming Disney has put into it. Otherwise it would be a rollercoaster w/ a wicked launch. As we all know CP isn't into the theming genra. Although I am sure if CP wanted one bad enough they could think of a way to make it the best of the best.
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
If anyone is intrestsed a POV can be downloaded from
I think everyone gets "theming" mixed up. Just to let you know, many "amusement park" rides have theming. Look at the now gone Pirate Ride at CP, or the Exterminator and the Goldrusher at Kennywood. You could even say Swabinchen is's just cheesy theming! So I don't think a themed launched coaster would seem out of place at CP. It may not be as elaborate as Disney, but I think it would still fit in.
Rockin Roller Coaster wasn't that great. It was kinda short. I'm sure without the themeing, enclosure, and music, it would look much like a launched Corkscrew. Did you know that thing only has 3 inversions?!?