Ride Patches...

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar

I'm looking for the following Ride sewn on Patches Sold at one time at CP and was hoping some on here may have some there willing to part with or know where I might be able to locate these. I need Power Tower, Cedar Creek Mine Ride, Magnum XL200, Raptor, Diaster Transport, Iron Dragon, and Corcscrew.

I already Have Mantis, Mean Streak, Demon Drop, Gemini, Blue Streak, and a Camp snoopy.

Please email me or post here if ya can help.

I appreciate this my fellow Pointers....
mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
ShiveringTim's avatar
One word: eBay

Scott W. Short
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Yeah I know Scott but there not on there often enough for me..I'm inpatient..hehe :)

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
I'm not sure if there is one for the mine ride I have never seen it. As of now there is no PT one, unless they make one for this year. I have never seen an ID or Corkscrew one as well. Also I don't know if they ever sold the DT ones, I got mine as a gift.

Magnum Count 1401
911 is not an option
I haven't seen most of those either - especially the smaller coasters that have very little if any merchandise anyway. Too bad!

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters

Hey Jeff, I remembered some junk about patches yesterday. They came out in 95, along with a 125 Summers! one (if I ever lose that patch, I'll go psycho). I remember going around that summer and making sure I got all of them..and I haven't seen new ones since. I think the only ones you're missing are Magnum and Raptor. That summer I took a plain wreath that was on our door, bought ribbons to match coaster colors, and put a patch on it, making a "coaster wreath" that I changed every so often :-)
*-CP Irvine-*
The Few, The Proud, The Po!nters
I know who's fault it is!
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Speaking of Patches Irvine...Are you missing a certain one from the weekend?? Think Hard??

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
See, Jeff, you should have just thrown it out...I wouldn't have know where it went and Dan would have been the happiest guy alive

*-CP Irvine-*
The Few, The Proud, The Po!nters
I know who's fault it is!
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Back to the subject at hand...It does sound as if the above may be right and all I am indeed missing is Magnum, Raptor, and a special edition Diaster Transport patch and 125 anniv patch..With that being said Can anyone help out a CP freak? :)

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
I am looking for last years CoasterMania pin (2000, duh :) ). I was there but i got there too late and they gave me the Millennium Force pin instead because they were all out of the CoasterMania ones. *** This post was edited by Bryan on 5/15/2001. ***
I don't suppose anyone would be willing to sell a Disaster Transport patch for a hefty sum to an old Disaster Girl? *Wink*

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
I've got both, Bryan. I came early that day and my brother came later. :)
Well I've seen patches on enthusiasts before, but how do you get these in the first place? Does the park make them?

Crady Crady!! CRADY CRADY!!
I've got a Raptor one!!!
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
force312...There sold in various Giftshops throughout the park..Pagoda has the best selection....

SkyKicker...Care to part with it??

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Yeah, I would be willing to, for the right price. How bad do you want it?
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
still looking folks for Maggy and Disaster transport and the 125 summers patch....

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
I'll toss my lot in to buy a Disaster Transport patch from anyone willing to sell -- nearly a name-your-price kind of deal for a fellow GTTPer... ;)

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters

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