Ride Operations

It is 8:50 p.m. Friday. The park is open until 10:00 p.m. Right now, I see (on the cams) The Raptor is closed, The Blue Streak is closed, and Snake River Falls is closed. Why is this happening? When I used to go more frequently, the rides opened at 10:00 a.m. and closed at 10: 00 p.m. Other than an unforeseen mechanical or weather issue, this should be unacceptable. Yes, pass holders who live close don't mind so much and seem to shrug it off. To others who can go once per year for various reasons, this should be unacceptable. If I was there and these closures occurred, I would be royally P***ed off. If anything good comes from the merger, I hope it is an operations over hall and restored respect for guests.

Last edited by CoasterHawk,

Ya know…. You seem “royally P***ed off” about this anyway. As usual.
You should do yourself and everyone else a favor and stop looking. I mean, you don’t go anyway, it doesn’t really affect you, so maybe you should turn to something that makes you happy. (Cedar Point is clearly not it.)
And I have a feeling you don’t visit Six Flags parks very often, either.

We-o-we-oooo's avatar

1) Its actually Friday. 2) No, its not. 3) It could just be a routine delay. 4) People don't ride water rides in the dark.

Girl: "l want to ride that yellow one again... Twisted Wicker"
Me: "It's a roller coaster, not a broken clothes hamper."

jimmyburke's avatar

Was SkyRide open?


1)Yes, I thought it was Saturday all day yesterday.

2) Not sure what you mean on this one.

3) Not a routine delay with all Raptor trains in the que and nobody around.

4) It wasn't dark at 8:50 p.m.


Water rides close at 8:00pm.

Sometimes ride crews close rides early if there is no one in line. I have been to the park when this happens on less busy days/hours. no point in keeping the ride open if no one is in line, could also be mechanical and close early for the night, no point in calling maintenance to fix it when the park only has like 2 hours left

MF as a human eager to talk about my home park!

Vince982's avatar

I don't like either of those senarios. It depends how early I suppose if no one is in line, but you're not going to save on a ton of labour doing that but you are going to upset guests who may walk by and plan to ride on their way out. As for mechanical, the ride needs to be fixed regardless of what time it is. If it's two hours to close and a mechanic comes an fixes it and there's still half an hour left to ride, good. People go to the park to ride. Rides should be open.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

Individual ride crews are not (nor do they have the ability) just closing their rides early because of low crowds. Ops managers may do things like put Kiddy Kingdom or Camp Snoopy on a rotation or close one side of Gemini at 9pm if crowds warrant it to save some budget, but Corkscrew's crew isn't just chaining off the line and heading to Louie's at 8:45 because they're sending out half empty trains on a slow Tuesday.

And given all of the major issues with Cedar Point's operations in the past several seasons, they still are one of the only parks that will work to and then reopen a ride at the end of the day if they are able. If Maverick goes down at 9pm on a 10pm close and is able to reopen at 9:55pm, it will. If thunderstorms roll through the area at 8pm and clear at 9:45, the rides will reopen for anyone who waited it out.

Is louies still a thing? I remember back in the 90s you had to have a Cedar Point ID to get in. Lots of 25 cent drafts were consumed there

99er's avatar

Very much still a thing. It basically tripled in size with the patio expansion.

But it's not "Louie's" anymore. Hasn't been for well over a decade. Yeah it still has the name, but you of all people know what I mean.

Last edited by Red Garter Rob,

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
R.I.P. Fright Zone, and Cyrus along with it.

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