Ride Name Syndication

This is one thing that CF does with all of it's parks that I really hate. Ride name syndication. Examples of what I am talking about would be Camp Snoopy, Power Tower, and Chaos to name a few. These are all things that CP gets first(other than Camp Snoopy), then the other parks get it, but the naming is used throughout all of their parks. I feel that the origional name should be exclusive to CP, and any other parks that get a simular ride should be named differently. Any thaughts?
At least it's not like another company that names a bunch of coasters "Mind Eraser" - and the coaster's aren't even the same type! I realize that they were all built by the same company, but it still shows a lack of creativity.

*** This post was edited by Jmstuckman on 8/5/2001. ***

Chaos is Chance's name for the ride, not Cedar Fair's..,


Camp Snoopy has been repeated a few times, yes.

Power Tower has only been used for ValleyFair... there is also Dominator, Detonator, and Supreme Scream.

I don't see any ride w/ Batman's in its name at CP ;)


plus camp snoopy originated with knott's who lent it to its camp snoopy in the mall of america. so it was syndicated before cedar fair came into play. what i dont get, however, is two parks named Soak City within a few hours of each other.
Future CP Ride op?
I think this is a trend that we'll be seeing more of, at all park chains (not like most of them don't do it anyway...). It might help to get some more guests to the park, because they know that they like a particular ride or type of ride, and to see one with a similar name/theme at another park may be an incentive to go to that different park. On the other hand, it could backfire as well because why go visit something the same as what we have here? Either way, I too wish that we'd see more unique names/rides, the more variety the better.

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters

Another example of what I'm talking about would be Talon's logo at Dorney. It uses the same black background that the Raptor's logo has.
Whoop-dee-doo! At least they don't give it the same name like Six Flags. Maybe they used that background because it worked for Raptor...or because it shows what the rides name is...a claw (or talon).

*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 8/5/2001. ***

I think Batman is the most cloned coaster name ever. If you want to think of it this way, Raptor is basically a Batman that's painted green and is taller and faster and more inversions and has a different name. In fact, you could say that for all the B&M inverteds not named Batman since Batman was the first inverted. Also you could say today's hyper's are just another Magnum too..
Brian Z.
Assistant Webmaster
Kennywood Park Unlimited
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Is this really that big of Deal..Doesn't each Ride with the exception of Chaos have its own unique qualities and atmosphere...Its the ride that counts...

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!

Name repeats get boring after a while. I'm a big fan of logos, slogans, and advertising, so it's frustrating to me to see a cool logo get pounded into the ground. I absolutely ADORED Raptor's logo in 94; seeing it repeated in a way for Talon was a little weird, but since it's not an EXACT copy it's not quite as bad, plus it's easy to look at the ride as Raptor's little brother that way (I think of it as Raptor with a sense of humor, after riding it). The Soak City logo hasn't been repeated either; same name, different logos. Not quite as bad. Stamped out cookie cutter ala SF is the stuff that bothers me...parks have no individualism whatsoever when that happens. Names seem to trickle down from CP, and I can handle that, but I know when the first duplicated name from another park comes into CP, if it does, I'm not gonna be too pleased. It just doesn't seem our style!
*-CP Irvine-* I know who's fault it is!
*The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls*
I only have one thing to say about syndicated names:

Six Flags.

"This is better than orgasm." ~Effie, Road Rules 2 on MTV

well wit power tower all the outher cf parks have a 3towers

and cp has 4 i think it is a way of telling everyone

that cp is the biggest just a thought

I think it's clever to use the same logo's but different names.  Like TALON/RAPTOR and MEAN STREAK/DENOTATOR
I've always thought Cedar Point approaches the re-use of names and/or logos in a good way. Using the same style of logo for Raptor and Talon seems to me to be a good way to use a good idea several times. Much as I enjoy riding great America's Viper, I do wish it wasn't the umpteenth ride to be named Viper. Not that it detracts from the ride experience, and understanding that, to most of the people riding, it's the only Viper in the world, but it just would be nice to not see a recycled name on it. (And I understand why they do it, too-- it's a lot cheaper than developing new names/logos for every new ride. Plus they can buy souvenir items for every Viper in the chain in huge quantities, saving lots of money.)

crashoverride, ummm could you explain that.  And use some grammer. 

Kerry - Bright Man of the Elite Eight

I think he means - Because CP has a 4-tower Power Tower and the other CF parks have 3, that must be a way of showing everyone that CP is bigger.

Of course, maybe that's because CP is bigger...


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