*** This post was edited by Jmstuckman on 8/5/2001. ***
Camp Snoopy has been repeated a few times, yes.
Power Tower has only been used for ValleyFair... there is also Dominator, Detonator, and Supreme Scream.
I don't see any ride w/ Batman's in its name at CP ;)
PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 8/5/2001. ***
mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!
Six Flags.
"This is better than orgasm." ~Effie, Road Rules 2 on MTV
and cp has 4 i think it is a way of telling everyone
that cp is the biggest just a thought
Kerry - Bright Man of the Elite Eight
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