Revisiting old News article from CP Executive

Remember this?

Capital improvement for 2001 will be strong but next big ride will be in 2002 June 19, 2000, 8:30:59 PM (ET) - posted by Jeff
A high-ranking official says next year's capital improvement will change the look of the park, but wouldn't say if it included a new ride. As reported by The Guide nearly a year and a half ago, this development might be the waterfront development.
It's almost a certainty that the Aquatic Stadium and former aquarium will be removed. Last year's rumored moves for Schwabinchen and Ocean Motion certainly support the redevelopment of this area. One slightly more "out there" rumor also has the park removing Coral Courtyard and the old convention center building.

Finally, notice the pretty iron fence that extends from Disaster Transport behind the aquarium and stadium (where right now no one will see it), and draw your own conclusions.

So what about 2002? The official would only say, "Remember how we followed up Magnum?"

A) Do you think this still stands true?
B) What do you think it means?
C) What do you think he means by the final sentence?

Just seeing what the reaction is to this old article

I think the park is in for some themeing and maybe a new ride. The Lemon chill man told me that "people love starting rumors about Cedar Point and so do I". I heard it with my own ears.J/k;)

Hi, my name is Josh and I'm addicted to Cedar Point.
I think it is probably "A" because things are just falling into place too much for something NOT to happen. It should start next year, but for how long, I don't know. It will include coaster(s), and Jeff has Kinzel on the record of saying that flat rides are coming to The Point. Time will tell. We definitely don't want to start another CCI or TA2K thread. ;)


*** This post was edited by bobthetomato on 5/10/2001. ***
That how we followed up Magnum thing always stumps me, cuz I always think Mean Streak which would be a huge Woodie
Or A "themed" dark ride..wasn't DT in 1990, the YEAR After Magnum..?

mikey :)
From the History section:
"1989 Magnum XL-200 opens.
1990 Avalanche Run reopens as Disaster Transport.
Sandcastle Suites open.
Soak City expanded."
A themed dark ride seems like a good guess as well as improvements to Soak City. I suspect some sort of theme to Soak City with some new water slides. :)
CP needs a dark ride in my opinion. They are deffiently lacking. Also what changed the look of the park this year??? Isn't that what we were told last year?
It's obviously going to be a dark ride with a haunted theme on Millenium Island, with a sky ride going over there from the old Frontier Town Frontier Lift station.

Sure, whatever...

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.
Didn't they also follow up Magnum with some "beautification" of the park. That makes me think Boardwalk Project.

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