Return of the Cheeseburger

Wanted to let you all know that the Cheeseburger is returning to the Millennium Force crew. I have been reading your posts on here for sometime and the vote was reached today that I would bring the "burger" back to the ride. For all of you who did not get the chance to ride last year you might not have any clue what the "burger" is but to all of those who know what I am talking about I have one thing to say.

"The Cheeseburger was a part of the best crew that was in the park last year, these were the first people to buckle you and send you on your way for your first memorable ride on THE FORCE! Without the hard work of all of you guys the ride would just not be the same!"

This is why I am proud to bring the "Burger" back to the ride to me it symbolizes the hard work, great friends, and lifetime memories that the best crew, best ride, and best park can only offer.

*Props to Mark from England - The ORIGINAL thinker behind the "Burger"*

"Burger's return date to be on Sunday the 23rd of June!" Come out and say hello!

-Proud to a Millennium Force Crew Member 2001
-Bluestreak Crew 2000 *** This post was edited by CoasterJamin on 6/19/2001. ***
I must admit, I'm happy that the big cheese is returning to the Force, a place where he definitely belongs.

Ben, I wish you luck in your new role as the sacred guardian of the cheeseburger. I hope you are prepared for the fame and adulation that this responsibility will bring. I know I wasn't :-)

Also, i can't take all the credit for being the original thinker behind the cheeseburger. I was just the only one who was willing to dish out the dosh for it!!!!!! but hey, I'll take the credit anyhow.

I wish I could come back and say hello on the 23rd. It will be a great day! Just don't let management know. They were never very fond of the cheeseburger.

If you are still there durings Halloweekends, when I'm planning to visit, then we could meet and compare cheeseburgers.


PS. Say hello to Jimmy, have you noticed how much of a legend he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get your fixin's here!
So far I've figured this out about the Cheeseburger.

1. There is something funny about him.

2. Everyone oves him.

3. It's a 'him'.

4. It's some type of Legend or something.

Why can't anyone tell me what the heck this thing is!!
Hmmmmm...a fake cheeseburger made out of plastic? A cheeseburger sound file was posted once, it seems to be a plastic cheesburger that plays a sound ('Get your cheesburger here!')? It's possible that that's half the story. Oh well, we'll never know :)


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