
Do you think cedar point would change the lap bars

to otsr? Just wondering. I rode storm runner and they

do just fine.

You mean the lap bars on every coaster, or just one imparticular?

Either way, no, they wouldn't. All the coasters with lap bars seem to be working just fine. There'd be no reason for them to change them to OTSRs. Most people prefer lap bars anyway. I know I do. :)

Top Five:
1)TTD 2)MF 3)Magnum 4)Raptor 5)WT

Considering this is in the TTD forum, I assume he/she means TTD's bars.

And .. there's really no reason to change them, since I don't really know of any complaints over the current ones.

2005 trips so far: PKI, PCW, CP

2005 trips upcoming: PKD, BGW, BGT, USF, IOA, Martin's Fantasy Island, SF:DL, CP, PCW

Millenium Force laps: 17

TTD 120mph's avatar

No. It would be stupid to change the T-bars. Cedar Point will leave them be.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

FluffyliketheForce's avatar

seems like the ride would be less fun knowing that all that bulk is keeping you plastered in your seat. i like the T-bars. more freedom.

"Ive got the need, the need for speed!"

OTSR's would, in my opinion, hurt the ride experience. I think the lap-bars give it a slight edge over Kingda Ka. (I know I sound like a fanboy, but...) I also think they enhance the feeling of free fall and airtime on the tophat.

Coaster Count: 147

What are OTSR's?

-Scott Wilson <-Win sweet things just by searching the web!

Over The Shoulder Restraint

AKA - Harness

TTD 120mph's avatar

Here, this will you a better understanding of what they look like:

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

TopThrill420120, I was wondering if you have been on KK. If not, I don't know how you can possibly compare the two.

JuggaLotus's avatar


Dragster throws little metal fragments.

KK eats trains.

I'll stick with Dragster and the slim chance of receiving a free piercing over having my train destroyed during launch.

Goodbye MrScott


TopThrill420120 said:
OTSR's would, in my opinion, hurt the ride experience. I think the lap-bars give it a slight edge over Kingda Ka. (I know I sound like a fanboy, but...) I also think they enhance the feeling of free fall and airtime on the tophat.

Actually I've read multiple times on different forums that alot of people have prefered Top Thrill Dragster over Kingda Ka because it A) Has a much smoother launch. B)Its more suspensful waiting for the tree lights to flash as opposed to going out, waiting one second, then launch C)Over the shoulder restraints are a no-no, and D) That second hill is worthless, you go up, and you brake right after you go over the top. Give me Dragster any day.

FluffyliketheForce's avatar

Looks like they have you locked into KK pretty tightly there. Is the horizontal bar across your thighs really necessary? and how are you supposed to go hands up with that set up?

"Ive got the need, the need for speed!"

Simple you put your hands up. It doesn't come over your forearm just the top of your shoulder.

TTD 120mph's avatar

I remember putting my hands up on Storm Runner. Whoo! I'll never do that again.
Although putting your hands up on Kingda Ka might not be painful since it is allot different than Storm Runner.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Yeah, putting your hands up on KK looks easy. The bars are actually pretty thin.

Thrills Around the Corner!

FluffyliketheForce's avatar

What a thin bar at a Six Flags park?! say it isn't so! (sarcasim)

"Ive got the need, the need for speed!"

What does JuggaLotus mean by KK eats trains?

At Six Flags Great Adventure theme park in Jackson, New Jersey, an empty roller coaster train came grinding to a sudden stop along the launch track of the Kingda Ka roller coaster, sending what appeared to be shards of metal flying from underneath both sides of the train. There were no passengers on board the ride at the time of the incident, and no one was injured.

Reports indicate that a liner cover, which runs across the top of a trough underneath the launch track, came loose and caused the train to malfunction. The train was seriously damaged, as was the ride's braking system. Six Flags and the ride's Swiss manufacturer, Intamin AG, are working to repair the ride. Intamin has begun production of the replacement parts, and Six Flags is estimating that it will take at least several weeks for the parts to be fabricated, shipped from Switzerland, then assembled, installed, tested, and inspected.

*** Edited 6/30/2005 9:09:36 AM UTC by MrScott***

Mayor, Lighthouse Point

You beat me to that question gregdawg!

Anyways, i think lap bars are a lot better for almost anyride, can't wait for the day that inverted coasters start using lapbars instead of OTSR! That will be something new

While in line count time between trains on track, divide that number by waiting time on front sign, multiply that number by number of people per train, and you'll get an approximate number of people in line!

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