Reliability of "ultimate" Forum

Found this forum topic, I know most of this has already been discussed, but do they know exactly what it will be? Sounds like they are sure, what are your thoughts? The site is
"Why does this one hour drive seem so looong"
Jeff's avatar
Read through the stuff here... that's not any different than what we've been talking about for months.

And for the record, the "reliability" of a forum post has nothing to do with the site it's on.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

I have read through alot of this stuff here for about a year now, i just havent posted much because most of my questions have been answered through other forums. The only reason i brought this particular site up was because the people in the forums said they knew exactly what it would be. I havent seen much of anybody saying that they will know exactly what it will be here, everyone has their own hopes and predictions on what it will be here, so i have not been able to find a for sure answer. Just thought that the urc forum was interesting since they were sure.

"Why does this one hour drive seem so looong"

RlrCstr said:
The only reason i brought this particular site up was because the people in the forums said they knew exactly what it would be. I havent seen much of anybody saying that they will know exactly what it will be here

Those who don't know, talk. Those who do know, don't.

Another reason why I scoff at the posts on message boards such as the one posted above. There's still newbies who think they know everything now and then, but at least around here.. someone puts them in their place right quick. Posting a thought or speculation is fine, as long as you're not selling it as pure, hardened fact.

gravity: down to earth, without the sugar coating.

Of course, you realize half the responses scoff at the 'sure' poster. Living in Sandusky puts you 'in the know?' Har.

URC is just a discussion board, nothing more. As for them being more reliable....certain posters on certain (non-CP) topics actually can be. But they are few are far between. None of them are in that thread, either.

BTW, a good number of URC people post here and on CBuzz anyway.


(URCer since at least '98)

The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

Good point gravity, i never thought of it like that.

"Why does this one hour drive seem so looong"'s quite obvious to me that 90% of the people on that board have no idea what they're talking about =/ A few suggested that it was gonna be a flying look at the track and thats out of the question...Also, they all say they know for sure they know the name will be 'Dragster' just because they saw the packing slip that used that as a code name. GTTP is most definatley a better site for accuracy and realism, most of you guys actually DO know what you're talking about =)
Jeff's avatar
Dude, 90% of the people on this board don't know what they're talking about.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

Jeff said:
Dude, 90% of the people on this board don't know what they're talking about.

Hahah, true... but, flaunting something that your sister's neighbor's hairdresser's uncle who works as a sweep told you... just doesn't fly here.

It's the no-bull---- attitude that keeps me coming back here, and from not even bothering with other forums.

gravity: down to earth, without the sugar coating.

Jeff's avatar
Funny, that attitude is what many people complain about and say keeps them away. Can't please everyone I guess.

I personally get off on knocking down bull**** nonsense.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

I agree with that as well gravity...I used to check everyday to see what was new and when I stumbled across this site, I haven't visited as much as I used too...I have learned very much about my favorite park and it has helped me enjoy my trips much more...I also know that if there is any breaking news about cedar point, I will be able to find the information here and not have to worry about going to cedar points official page to get that info...This site gets a lot of varying opinions from different people and that's what I like...I know that when the new ride is announced, I'll find it here very quickly...It is the no-bull---- attitude that keeps me coming back as well

and remember, if you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter

Jeff...I can tell that you do enjoy getting off on creating bull**** nonsense and that's what makes this site good as well...It's almost like comic can take a very serious post and come back with some short and funny comment that usually gets me to in the fabio post, everyone is telling of their near death experiences with birds and you come back with "I can't believe it's not butter." It's the little things like that which makes this site nice as well

and remember, if you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter

Jeff's avatar
The sad thing is most people didn't get the "can't believe it's not butter" comment. Come on... that TV spot isn't that old.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

looks like a fight between GTTP and URC. Go GTTP, you rock!!!!

Kirk said:
looks like a fight between GTTP and URC. Go GTTP, you rock!!!!

Looks like somebody fell off the turnip truck and bounced a couple of times. Not only do Jeff and Eric know each other, there are boatloads of people who frequent both URC and GTTP or URC and CBuzz or both.

While you'll probably never see Jersey Joe, Chillforce or Ripples ('cause they're sooooo old and set in their ways) you'll see plenty of other well-known URC posters/alumni here.

A fight. What a CoasterForum/Thrillnetwork thing to say.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.
*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 9/20/2002 9:46:04 PM ***

Jeff's avatar
Hahahahaha. Good one. Check and ask anyone if that TN means anything in the great scope of things.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

I am taking bets.

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