"Redline" Logo

Great job Gravity. I also like the name Redline. But I don't think they'd go with "Ignore the rules". 2 hours and 18 minutes after your post and someone is already trying put "Ignore the rules" to test. Just think what a park full of people would come up with!


The Fast and the Fearless

That logo is sweet. I'd love to see what you could do with say 30 minutes.

It's Time to get Wicked!!!!!!!!

Nice, but anti-aliasing is your friend ;)

Great Ohio Coaster Club member #335

I needed some sort of tagline to go with it. All the coasters have one. I didn't think a tagline would be stretched to smoking in line and queue jumping. Oh, well... ;)

gravity: down to earth, without the sugar coating.


Nice work Gravity.


All I have to say is that is AWSOME! That is SO looks like a logo CP would design.
"Welcome To Alaska"!!
2002 Totals: | MF:90 | WT:29 | Maggie:132 |Gemini:67 | DT:36 | Raptor: 77 | Beaver net 4.0!

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