i remember the first time i rode the force, i got in the car last so i could see the view of the park. i recall looking around at the top and thinking, "310 feet, give me a break, it looks as tall as magnum". then, we began to crest the hump, and there she was. my mind quickly changed to, "300 foot drop, give me a break, it looks like a 400 foot drop!". the last time i rode, i got in first so i could see the view of the lake. then it looked 300 feet up. not to mention, i looked straight down at the people, eeer ants. then i knew it was 300, not that i really doubted it before.
3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2
*** This post was edited by punk on 6/17/2000. ***
*** This post was edited by punk on 6/17/2000. ***
It helps if right when you get to the top of the hill to lean over the side of the car and look directly down....this helped me appreciate how high I really was. The first few times I thought it wasn't that high too, although I have to agree, the drop changes your mind pretty quick!
I guess I am the only one. When I look at Magnum and Millennium Force, the Force looks a lot taller.
Millennium Force Rids:1
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
First time I rode it I looked off to my right. I was completely freaked out at how small the Magnum looked!!! I didn't think I was going to see that big of a difference! I continued shouting Look at the Magnum!!! LOOK AT THE MAGNUM!!!
Well I guess with a lower incline for Magnum it looks like a longer trek to the top of the hill. MF being 45 degrees going up the hill makes the hill look smaller. My 2 cents
Well it must be tall because when you go from Port Clinton to Sandusky you can see the top of the hill all the way from the bay till you get off the main enterance to Sandusky from the highway. Try it just look left going east from port clinton you cant miss it.
I loved looking down on everything, especially Power Tower.
the view from ohio 2 edison bridge is a requirement for my first trip every year, as long as its possibly clear enough,sort of like a 12 mile away preview of whats to come,anyone else intentionally take that route thats doesnt have to?
Same here. Sigh, if only my park guests on RCT could take such intensity. :)
aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
I still remember opening day, going over the Edison Bridge, on our way to CP. My first words when I saw it were "Holy F**K!!!" I did'nt go to battery park or anything over the winter, even though my dad offered, that made the first look so much more amazing. When you see it from the bridge, or when you see it in a clearing of trees on your way to the park, you realize how tall it is.
"The shade, is a tool, A device, a saviour"
My own summer (shove it)-Deftones
That's funny. I remember when I first rode Magnum and kept looking back at Gemini. I am going to CP this Sunday. I can't wait to think the same thing about MF vs. Magnum
The first time I saw it in real life was Coastermania. It was about 1/4 from the causeway leading to the peninsula. I was looking over to the left and when I saw it, I screamed, "There it is! There it is!" over and over.