RCT CP Coasters

In the download section of this site, there is a section for this but the only one in there is Raptor. I think it might be fun to organize a little contest among us to see who has or can build the most accurate coaster for any CP coaster(s). Jeff, you don't have to judge it but maybe you could upload the winner's coasters in that section to complete the collection. It's just a thought and might be interesting.

Trim brakes-a necessity???
That would be cool. I can make a great recreation of Mantis. I can even put a trim in on the first drop.

MF Count: 11
That's a good Idea!!

~Eric L.~
There are a few tycoon sites that you can go to to d/l cedar point coasters.
Some of them are accurate as some are not.
I have Millennium Force as a steel and then I have it as a floorless.
I have raptor and then I have Greg Reese's Cedar Point park.

One stipulation for this would have to be no plagiarism which would mean don't go surfing the internet for the best replica....make it yourself!! Of course this is going to have to go on a trust system, and if you won, it probably wouldn't feel right if you don't use an original design.

And just for everyone's information, I don't even have access to RCT and won't for at least another week. MY computer crapped out and is getting fixed while in the mean time I am using my dad's laptop. Since this is a work computer, his company wouldn't really approve of the installment of a major program so I'll just have to wait. Just thought I'd let you know.

One more thing if you people would be interested is maybe we could open up a totally original coaster slot to just see who can build the coolest coaster.

Trim brakes-a necessity???
One more thing.....

I would definately help judge if you'd want me to as soon as I get the other computer back.

Trim brakes-a necessity???
I have a complete Millennium Force [park] that I have made with CF. Everything from the bushes and lockers to the speed of the lift hill and the right supports are made. The excitement rating is 9.94 too. I'll email it to you if you want.
Could you email it to me. thanx

if at first you dont succeed you are doing it wrong

email it to me too.

******some of these topics really seem familiar***
I'll send them to you.
Can I see a picture instead of the download? CP_bound@angelfire.com
hey all you guys can force211 please email that to me too????? :) thanks a bunch!


sure, I also have CP recreated, except for Mean Streak. Many of us have probably made it before.
Could us seen me the park? Hit ifo for my e-mail. I'm to lazy to post it rigth now.

"Does anyone know what type of dog spot is?
A Cedar Pointer!" *** This post was edited by Elroy on 2/17/2001. ***
I think you need to use spell check Elroy!! Because I can't understand what you asked and I don't think all the other people won't either just retype what you wrote and I think you will get some responses!!! MAYBE!
I think I can decipher it....
Here we go:
"Can you send me the park? Hit info for my e-mail [address]. I'm too lazy to post it right now."

Sorry, Elroy, there's just a lot of us on this site that really appreciate to read real English, not AOL IM's. Just use the spell check (button right next to "submit reply") and you'll be in good shape.

Trim brakes-a necessity???
(used to be MFistheBEST)
AOL Screen name-SkiDoo8613
By the way, is anyone still interested in the little contest mentioned in my first post, (as MFistheBEST) because I forgot all about this when I finally got my good computer back. I'd still judge or whatever necessary. Jeff, would you be willing to put the winning tracks on the site??

Trim brakes-a necessity???
(used to be MFistheBEST)
AOL Screen name-SkiDoo8613
I'm sorry, and I don't do AOL! I was tried and did not feel good. It also does not help typing with a toddler on you lap, bagging on the keys and the mouse. But now I'm fine and still waiting for Cedar Point for RCT. Also, I better not see any spelling errors on any of your posts cedarpoints#1fan! Anyway, sorry to everyone on this site{and I did use the spell check this time!}.

"Does anyone know what type of dog spot is?
A Cedar Pointer!"
Too bad it doesn't pick up grammar errors and words that aren't used right--like bagging (banging) and your first line.

But we won't hold that against you. One of the worse thing anyone can do in a forum is butcher the English language. It's hard to read, and when newbies constantly do it, it get old.
Could you e-mail it to me too? :o)

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