RCT - Hilly Lakes Point...

I just had an idea ( don't leave ;) )! Here is what we should do. I have a park, a pretty well one with some great rides. But it could probally be much better! I think we should all download the park and add rides and change it to how we would like it! Kinda like adding new rides for the visitors and making it nicer! Then, tell me when your done, and i'll look at the park, put it on my site and people can edit the park....and keep doing this! Then, when all is completed, we can save the park and send it over to Jeff who could make it "Guide to the Po!nt"!

I have one request though, ya gotta keep the suspended and inverted coasters that are on the ocean! :)

Tell me what you think

Download the Park:
I like it; after all the RCT site is sloooow when it comes to competitions. They need Jeff at there site.

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!! CP goal #1 to beat LuvRaptors record of 31.
That would be nice!
Jeff's avatar
Sorry... I really don't want to mess with RCT stuff. Got bigger fish to fry right now.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Alright, but feel free to download the park and update it and let me know what you did!

Please don't delete the two on the ocean, Avenger and Tyrant Force!! I love them!

BTW: you can let me know if you like the park by repling right here in this thread.
Is there any way I can open up parks on the original RCT if I have CF? I am having problems with my old Megaparks as well, not just the ones I download.

Yeah Baby!!!
If the error message is that you have invalid game data it means that you used the trainer and the anit-cheat device in CF will not let you use the game. You can get around this by downloading a patch at http://www.strategyplanet.com/rctuk/rctpatch/
Cool! I just updated my park and I'll try to get the latest version up tonight! I got a cool coaster, aka "The Force" and looks a bit Millennium Force-ish! I also added a better dueling woodie, bringing the coaster count to like 16 or something huge like that! The Force has a very high excitiement rating as well as like 5 other coasters!

Here are the coasters that have Very High Excitiement ratings, without very high intensity.

1. The Force (Awesome Steel Coaster)
2. Tyrant Force (My Best Inverted Ever!)
3. Vertical Motion (Cool Vertical in tight space)
4. Giant Woodie (I think the name says it)
5. Dueling Dragons (Dueling Steelies with interlocking loops)

The park also features a cool Midway and dueling LIM's! Also got to check out my river rapids ride!

My park needs some themeing as it only has a ton of trees. It looks great but I know themeing might make it look a little better, but I don't have any ideas.
Please download the park and then change it, then tell me and I'll see what you did to it!

Download the Park:
http://www.flightcommunity.com/rct/park/HillyLakesPoint.zip *** This post was edited by CoasterMikey on 2/27/00. ***
Hey, thanks for that link to the patch. But shouldn't this be in the RCT forum in Coasterbuzz? Just a thought...

Yeah Baby!!!
Jeff's avatar
Yes it should be...

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"

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