On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being a weekend in July...1 being a weekday in May) how would you rate the crowds on May 20 (2nd Saturday CP is open) and June 6 and 7 (midweek)? I'd figure that it wouldn't be as crowded on the weekend after opening weekend...but I just thought that I'd get a firsthand account.
I would say it would be a 9 on the second Saturday and probebly a 7 in June because school is just getting out
Using richie's scale can sombody tell me how bad it is Thursday june 15?
Thankyou for putting in this topic richie :-).
You know what maybe this is a good idea. After every day this season someone could report how bad the crowds were 1-10. Then we could have a calander of what the days are like for next year. Of course I dont think that this will work because it will probobly be more crowded with MF, and everyone would see their scores different.
"Any day, is a great day, to ride a rollercoaster!"