Raptor short lines - time

Does anyone know when is the best?? What time did you get your shortest wait? (not including a mad dash at opening!) I think I rode last year around 5 with 20 min. Earlier it was 1.5 hours

Live for FUN!

I almost always ride Raptor in the afternoon (around 3, 4, or 5pm), as is recommended by Jeff in the strategy section. By that time most of the crowd has made their way to the back of the park, and the front is almost empty.

Chris G,
who worships the Lemon Chill guy
How long did you wait?

Trim brakes-a necessity???
There are so many factors involved, I think it's hard to predict a general time of day like that. Weather, other rides (say, if MF is broken for the day or whatever), general crowd size, setups, etc... Later at night, like just shortly before the park is closing, the line seemed to go down, but it really depends more on when in the summer you're there - June and August are very different! I've seen Raptor at practically every hour of the day full one day (1+ hour wait) to 15 minutes the next. My best suggestion: just keep an eye on it, and if the queues are getting empty, go for it! :)

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
Short waits at night before closing (most people think if it turns 10:00 and you're waiting in line we shut the ride down and make everyone waiting leave, when the rule is if you're in line by 10:00, you ride).
If another ride (MF, Mantis, Magnum) isn't running that day the line stays long no matter what time it is.
A lot about the wait time also involves how well the crew is working together that day and if they're hitting any intervals at all.
2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Old Married Man
If I were you, I would consult "The Magic 8-ball." Avoid the months of July and August, and by all means, don't go on the weekend! Other than that, follow Jeff's patterns.

Only 2290½ miles from Cedar Po!nt
"...if another ride isn't running that day..." yeah, fat chance of that happening! Cedar Point has all the rides open every day. The only way they might not be running is because of a not-so-long break down.
There are plenty of times when a ride or two is down for several hours, just like MF, Power Tower, Magnum, etc., for whatever reason. It doesn't mean that it has to be down all day completely to affect lines at other coasters.

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters

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