Queue enforcement revisited

Amazing. Never in any park, on any ride, have I read reports of these type of people. Does MF fo something to your brain in line?
Brian Z.
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
Feel the Force NOW!!
Pete's avatar
A couple of years ago a moronic lady pulled her little kid's pants down right by the Blue Streak entrance, and let the kid urinate on the fence. This happened in front of a crowd of people. Some people should just not be allowed out in public.
The entrance sign should read "STUPID,MORONIC,IDIOTS to the right" "INTELLIGENT,MATURE,RESPECTFUL PEOPLE to the left". Aside from that , the fact that people can absolutely get away with urinating in a queue line and not get booted from the park is going to give CP a bad rap.
I'm glad the concensus here is pretty much even allaround- have fun without stepping on someone's toes. Urinating off the platform is grounds for immediate ejection in my book. Drinking a beer in line that you bought at the park to help pass the time is no big deal (hey, I do it)but I draw the line when you become a sloppy mess and start irritating others. As for the joint, the guy should have been arrested- on the grounds of being a stupid idiot. There are plenty of private places to do your thing. I am not a cop and I will never tell someone not to do something if they are an adult- that's not my place. You can do whatever you want to do as long as you don't offend others by your actions. If you must, smoke the joint at the car-NOT IN FRONT OF 3000 OTHER PEOPLE!! These are the same idiots who will eventually get busted and wonder why.

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