Question about the "Cage"

The "cage-looky thingy" that is being talked about in other threads, yeah, thats what my question is about.

If you look at the cage, you will see this type of steel similar to the roof of the station on the side. Does anyone know if it's going to go up around and make like a "ceiling?" That would protect people in line, but would ruin the view up at the tower from that on point.

So, if it does extend over the line, what are your thoughts?

Tim, who hopes to work at Cedar Point one day and understand half of this site.

*** This post was edited by MFRULES on 3/19/2002. ***

This is what I think: The last time I looked at it, it was sitting on the side at an angle. I beleive it is going to stay there and one is going on the top of "the cage". The side one is for if a shoe were to come flying off at the people that would be there to stop it. And I think they will put one on the top incase somthing falls from the people on the ride.

If you get rid of the square wheels on Mean Streak, There will be no mean left in the Mean Streak. Are we going to call it Streak now? KEEP IT AS IT IS!

Come on people, use your brain. Falling objects and objects flying at you at 70mph are bad. If there's nothing there to stop it, will it stop?


Its not the shoes that I'm worried about. Its the coins, and other small metalic objects that immature teens take on the rides and decide to drop them onto the queue or just randomly project them out into the sky. What goes up must come down. I think they should have a type of hard clear plastic over the queues so that the people in line can still see up the spike, and also the train racing towards the screen.


The problem with clear plastic or plexiglass is it can get very dull very quickly, especially if sand is blowing at it.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

OldCPer, I guess you're right. Plus the fact that you know the ride ops nor anybody else would ever go out there with some windex and clean the glass. At first it might seem like they care, but after a few months you know it would be all for not.


Just to let you know the Ride ops do Care but sometimes the Powers to Be say to stop certain things and also depends on Budgets for that season.
I have to agree with BirdofPrey00 on this...many people take objects on rides that can harm people in line if you're hit with them...But even if they don't mean to do it intentionally, many people take lots of change on a ride in their pockets with no thought in mind to throw it at people...however, going straight up and twisting will cause some loose change to come out of someone's pockets if it's not secured...Other objects as well...But I think Cedar Point has this all well in hand and we will be safe while waiting in line for WT this season

Be wary of falling shoes while waiting in line for Raptor

I thought that it would have been cool to see the train coming at you, and they could have just put up a mesh fence so that no change or other objects could get through. Hope they at least let you look up the back spike.

MF count: 23

No, I know what its for, Mr. Darling, I'm aware and I use my brain. I was just asking what peoples opinions were. Sorry to spark up the forums here...

On S:UE you go under the track on the reverse tower looking strait up at it. There is netting there to keep things from hitting you. Maybe something like that would work.

"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."
MF 9
S:UE 8

I've never been to SF in Aurora (since it's been through two names) when S:UE has been there. So does that netting have small enough holes to catch pennies and dimes? or ar they large enough to let them fall through?

- Chris -
Computer Science - Ashland University
Witches' Wheel/Monster - 2002
3rd Shift Trash Removal - 2001

I wonder if the screen will be similar to the canopies in the Millennium Force queue. Unless it is a really heavy object, I would think that the canopy would deflect just about anything plus keep the sun out of your eyes while looking strait up.

And speaking of the canopies, how much of the line should they cover?


Flisk- On Superman U.E. that floor is just metal with traingle shaped holes. And besides, that is placed under the straight spike going into the station; its not like a lot of stuff is flung out from there. Under the twisted spike on Superman there is a blue net over the go carts in case of any loose objects.

If I am not mistaken, there were reports of objects flying off of Superman and smashing into cars below causing cracked/ broken windsheilds. How Cedar Point handles that, if they need think they need to, is in their hands.

And lastly, with this cage, I am not doubting that it is a cage, but it looks like something else to me. Has anyone thought that this may be that little power shed thing like on Superman? Its just an educated guess. Or they could have the shed and then the cage, I don't know.

"I can see Canadaaaaaaaaahhhh!" - Me atop of Magnum.

I would take a closer look at where the concrete they just poured is headed. I would align myself more with the "protection" theory since it looks like a sidewalk goes through the cage. However, as far as things flying off, they really could probably go anywhere depending on where they were first launched so just protecting that one area doesn't make sense to me, unless that is the area where they would strike with the greatest velocity... ::Getting mental images of engineers trying to calculate the velocity and landing positions of objects flying off the ride...:: ^_^


Group Sales ATL '01
Park Admissions TL '02
"What time is the snow going to stop?"

I think the cage thing looks awesome...You can see it perfectly erected up on the webcam...It's going to be cool walking through it because it gives you that caged in feeling...But it's definatly 100% for protection...Why else would they want to cage us in...Cedar Point did us the favor by letting us go right under the track to see the train go over our heads...but if there was no protection for us then we could really get injured...Now I'll feel much safer about staring right at the train going over my head knowing that a shoe or other large object can't hurt me...Now if only Cedar Point could do that for Raptor...I have seen a few people get hit with shoes waiting in line for my signature states... :)

Be wary of falling shoes while waiting in line for Raptor

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