Question about the breaks?

crazy horse's avatar

What is the purpose of the break on the hill after the launch? It seems to me(though I am no expert) that they could just ajust the speed of the launch insted of putting a break in.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Jason Hammond's avatar

See the current PointCast for your awnser.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

There is a break on the hill?! They better fix that before May!

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TTD 120mph's avatar

Plan and simple Crazy Horse; they want a fast launch but need to slow it down before it goes over into the pond.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

They would probably put them in for any other reason they would put trim brakes on a ride.

To slow the train down and limit wear and tear problems that could occur in the future.

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ride on ride warriors, ride on

Imagine going through that tight heartline roll at 70 mph. I'm pretty sure you'd want the brakes. That way they can still have an intense launch, and not kill you the last half of the ride.

I love the scrutiny

Meh, this is Intamin we're talking about. They know what they're doing. I'd have to say that we probably won't be missing that extra bit of speed come May.

You know what they say, those are the "breaks". Wha, wha, whaaaaaa......;)

I imagine that everything on that coaster has a purpose, whether we understand that or not.

JuggaLotus's avatar

What's there to understand?

The brakes are there to control the speed of the train as it crests the hill. That sounds like a pretty simple explanation if you ask me.

Goodbye MrScott


bholcomb's avatar

It's a conspiracy. They're there for mind control.

Let me rephrase that.

I imagine that everything on that coaster has a purpose, whether some people on here understand that or not.

Meh, this is Intamin we're talking about. They know what they're doing.

Quote of the day kids.

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crazy horse's avatar

I understand that they are there to slow the train down at that point of the ride, but it just seems pointless to put breaks in right after a launched section insted of slowing down the launch itself.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Vince982's avatar

Hey look up there Josh. You have a friend! Soon we're going to see a Vince764 and a TTD 420ft.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

Uh, ahem? ;)

TTD 120mph's avatar

There will never be another person like me.;)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

JuggaLotus's avatar

Thank God. ;)

Goodbye MrScott


lol this name is noob, i'd rather have another.

Either way, im not uber obsessed like TTD120

... I do remember you.. I was the 3rd to last train of the year. You and your little buddies held up our train.
*** Edited 12/14/2006 5:00:31 AM UTC by TTD4Life***

BDash | Toro | Maverick | Bizarro | Voyage | RFII | X2 | TTD | DBack | Cornball

Me? I've only gone with my brother so far, ever. Huh?

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