Question about MF scenery...

I watched the pov video for Mf and noticed something peculiar.(sp)Is that a current video or one during construction?There really wasnt much scenery around the coaster once it came onto the island..looked like just dirt.No trees and grass.
I saw pics of it at night with the lights down the first hill and that looked incredible but how bout during the day?Is it all coaster and no themeing or scenery?
No it is not a current video. Notice the unfinished queue area?
...and the fact that there isn't any green on the trees yet?

By the way, does anyone else feel that that video makes the ride look really bad? You get no sense of speed at all from that video. It probably wasn't warmed up when they shot it...
Jeff's avatar
Yeah, that's a common thing I've heard. Frankly, using a fish eye was a bad idea. It just takes too much in and it doesn't appear that you're moving quickly unless you're looking directly at the track in front of you.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 34
But you do hear the wind though.I dont understand why they haven't updated that video and actually filmed it with people on the coaster.Would be a terrific promotional tool wouldnt it? doesnt need it.
Jeff's avatar
They did tape reverse POV with people, they just haven't posted it. Frankly it isn't that interesting to see, other than some big dude fighting the temptation to put his hands up and a red head screaming her brains out.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 34
You know I looked at that video again and is it me or is that tunnel(the last one)extremely narrow and low?It looks as though if you were to put your hands up you would get them chopped off.

10 days till I go FULL FORCE.......
Jeff's avatar
While on the ride it's not even close.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 34
What I noticed compared to the real-life ride and the POV video, is that the drop on the video doesn't even look close to 80 degrees (maybe closer to 65-70), while in real life, it feels like you are vertical.
I wish they would do a MPEG instead of MOV

Millennium Force Rides:2
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
Jeff's avatar
What's the difference? MPEG doesn't compress well and is not a good format for delivery on the 'Net.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 34
QuickTime should be required by law. Double the movie quality at 1/5 of the file size. Hard to complain about.

Oh, and the QuickTime 4 codec will be a large part of the next MPEG standard. 'Nuff said.

And just to remain on topic, Jeff is right, the tunnel has a lot more clearance than it looks like in the POV. The only place I actually changed position on the ride was going past the support while coming back from the turnaround. Now that looks REALLY close....
Don't worry you CAN'T touch ANYTHING on the ride. It looks close from the ride, but it's not.
Except that QT isn't cheap or open standarded. =)

That and it isn't available on the Unices.
Jeff's avatar
That $30 really set me back! ;) Less than 1/100 of 1% of my visitors don't use a PC or Mac, so I think I'll be pretty safe using it. Not to mention that Premier, After Effects, and even Media100 work flawlessly with QT as their base.

What were we talking about again?

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35

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