Question about Coastermania 2001

I've never been to a coastermania event or any type of coaster event before. I recently jioned ACE and saw the schedule for it but what all goes on? Is the only time you can get on coasters when the schedule lists it? Just anything about what goes on at this event will be helpful. Also I noticed holes in the schedule such as between the Q&A's with intamin from 11-12 what do you do during then?
Thanks -Mwatts
The times on the schedule for riding the coasters are special riding times only for people that can attend Coastermania. If you want to ride them at any other time than you can; just like if you were at CP on a normal day. You can do anything you want, such as eat, shop, or ride, during the holes in the schedual.

Monster Ride Host for 2 Years
3 Years Total @ CP
Is it required that you are an ACE member to participate in this?
You can go to Coastermania if your not in ACE or any other club, but you can't participate in the ERT or the Q&A's with Intamin.

BTW, you don't have to be in ACE to attend Coastermania, you can be in any coaster club you want.

~Eric L.~ *** This post was edited by eric on 2/19/2001. ***
If you are not A member of A coaster club, then you can still go to the event as A guest with someone who is A member of A coaster club and you would get the same previlages as everyone else.

MF Rides=50
That's true, Tony.

Plain and simple:

You can go that day if you aren't in a coaster club, however, you wouldn't be able to get in the lines during Exclusive Riding Time for those five coasters.

If you are in any recognized coaster club, you can attend Coastermania and ERT with no problem. You are given Coastermania buttons to where during these times.

You can bring up to three friends with you during the event. They would stil pay the $28, and coul also attend ERT.
and make sure you get plenty of sleep the night before,trust me.

If you have A season pass then you would not have to pay anything as A guest at Coastermainia. Just collect A button and enjoy.
MF Rides=50
Yeah, but make sure you're with someone that is in a club.

hothitz is right about getting enough sleep. Last year, I had to get up at 2:00 am. I got enough sleep, but my friend didn't. He stayed up the night before. We spent 19 hours in the park, and he was up 43 hours straight. He was getting dilusional towards the end of the night.
Enough sleep? LoL! That is funny, before Coastermania I'm too excited to sleep. At Coastermania caffine is your friend. :)

We bought a lifetime supply of pudding? How wasted were we last night?!
*Dude, Where's my car?*
InclInE LoOpEr, yeah--no doubt about the excitement factor. I planned on being waaaay too excited to go to sleep, so I took 4 Benadryl since they make me drowsy.

Since you mentioned the caffeine, I did have like 4 Mt. Dews during the day while my friend had 1. That could account for him being tired. Although staying up 43 hours straight doesn't help! :)

*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 2/21/2001. ***
Sorry if I sound redundant, but I want to make sure I understand this right.

During the ERTs, the lines are shut off to the GP and only people with Coastermania buttons are allowed in line, right?

I belong to ACE and take someone who isn't, but they can still participate in the ERTs?

Yes, only people with the buttons are allowed in the lines during ERT. Yes you can have up to three people with you who are not members of any coaster clubs.
About the sleep thing - just cough up enough cash to stay at the Breakers. Then do the morning ERT, catch the morning ride (before the GP gets there) on MF. Then a lap or two on Magnum on the way back to the hotel and take a nap or a float in the hot tub for a couple hours. By about 1:00 you'll be refreshed and ready for the next ten or eleven hours at the park.

Yes, the Breakers is the place to stay. You can crash during the day, and after the evening ERT, it's just a short walk across the parking lot from the Magnum. In addition, you can hang out and unwind at Friday's afterwards.
Crashing at the Breakers is a good Idea, but I just like to ride ride and ride. Last year we took like an hour and half break to get our room at Breakers Express and to get some snacks and stuff. Other than that, we were at the park the whole day.

We bought a lifetime supply of pudding? How wasted were we last night?!
*Dude, Where's my car?*
I like to ride all day, too, but for the last few years, we've closed the park down Thurs. nite. Last year it was with the final train of the nite on MF, so by the time we got out, it was about midnite. Morning came quickly! Another thing about the Breakers is that it's easy to get some laps in on the Magnum on Sat. Morning, before most of the GP's get back there.
I'd recommend mt.dew for coastermania. nothing else keeps employees going quite the same. *** This post was edited by Mantis 2k on 2/25/2001. ***
What if one of your friends who is not a member of a club has a season pass. Do they still have to pay the $28?

Joe E.,
See above post.

MF Rides=50

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