
Gemini's avatar
His hand was nearly severed. That was definitely rider error as he stuck his hand where it did not belong. This happened back in the early 90's.

Cedar Point Virtual Midway
That's my point. The Mean Streak incident was not CP's fault. If you want to be an idiot and stick your hand by the track, then you are playing with fire. But, minus the idiots, has CP ever being at fault?
Considering the amount of time CP has been open, their safty rcord is outstanding.

14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
Gemini's avatar
Have they ever been at fault for an injury? Yep, more than once. In fact, probably more than once each season.

Have they ever been at fault for a death? Not in the modern era. There was a serious stagecoach accident back in the late 60's, though I don't think anyone died.

Cedar Point Virtual Midway
Someone did die in the stagecoach accident (they were trampled)
Let me see...Off hand I can think of the Disaster Transport incident in 1990 in which a bit of scenery fell into the trough, the car struck it and came to a stop, all other cars on the course were stopped, and two riders were hospitalized overnight with "whiplash type" injuries. Scratches and bruises from the Corkscrew chain breaks. The Mean Streak hand incident. The 8-year-old kid who fell (or was pushed) from Mine Ride who suffered a skull fracture. And I believe there was an incident (nonfatal) on the Blue Streak in its first year which resulted in a reprofile. I don't consider the Wildcat death to be a ride incident. --Dave Althoff, Jr.
well im glad to hear cp is a very safe park sometimes i worry going on coasters espesialy the lift hills i think its gonna stop or fall back i guess you can call me a worrier
If it stops, it's a great way to look around and see things from an open elevated position-it's a great photo op too.
I worked at CP from 90-94 while going to school. The guy on the meanstreak got 3 of his fingers cut off! He had his hand on the side of the train when it came into the station. My first year in 90, props from disaster transport fell onto a passing taboggon and injured 3 people. In 92, a woman tried to kill herself by jumping from one of the canoe's at white water landing! She was not sucessfull, she landed in a bunch of mud! In 93, the opening of snake river falls, people that would put there arms in the air usually would hit there mouths on the bar in front of them. You see, they can adjust the boats on how much water they can catch and throw up to make a bigger splash, well the boats would almost come to a complete stop, jerking everyone forward!
Besides that, i don't know of any thing else.

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