What does Dan's signature mean by "I hate it when they don't race Mean Streak"? :P
Why don't you just post on another thread to him or email him? It's a joke, becuase there are many dueling woodies, and people wish they raced some of them. Just a little haha thingy...
*** This post was edited by force312 on 9/6/2001. ***
Just testing out my sig... ----------------- "The eagle may soar, but the weasel never gets caught in the jet engine."
"Staples? Yeah, we got that." ---- Airtime Nazi Motto
I overheard some people say it while I was riding Magnum a few weeks back. ----------------- daniel j. haverlock Magnum: 718/1983 "I hate it when they don't race Mean Streak"
The Rusty Spatula, watch you topic heading posts. "Question." is not the best way to post a topic. You need to be more detailed. It's just a courtesy for the rest of us.