
Is there a reason why Cedar Point, can not or does not tell us when the announcement will be made?
because they don't want the park crowed that day trying to find something out ???
welcome to millennium force please step into the train please secur all loose articals cedar point is not responsible for anything lost or damaged thank you and enjoy your record breaking ride on millennium force *clear*
They like the suspence...
DT80: 30 and proud of it!
Member of the O.C.
It's more entertaining to ponder and nash their fingernails in anticipation. It's all about knowing what others don't and seeing how long they can stand the fact that they don't know. Kinda like that. What do the rest of y'all think?

Laugh ye not too hard at my piddly stats.
MF: 2
Magnum 4
Raptor: 2
I'm working on it, Jeeze!!

What was that about them not wanting the park crowded? I'm sure that they want the park crowded.


I agree with wade... I think CP Gets a kick listening to us ..and plus it really draws attention to them as well if we all knew what was being built  it would be old news within days,  with out telling us.. Cp  is on the minds and lips of every coaster enthusist
I'm convinced that it's on a need to know basis. You (General Public) don't need to know when it will be too far in advance, just a few days.

Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters
"Thank You Jeff Putz"

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Its no conspiracy Folks! CP has a plan and will be out to the public when there ready..I really people would just relax and enjoy the rest of the season...

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!

It may be no conspiracy but it definitly has something to do with public reaction.  Otherwise the patrons would have been told as soon as the new ride plan was first introduced.  What's probably going on is the safety agreements and promotional propoganda.  Once that's all squared away, they'll unzip and drop the load.  I study public relations in college, and what I've always been told is only tell the public what you know and what you're working on.  Nobody is going to say "boo" until all the facts have been obtained and the information is directly in front of the presenter.
Laugh ye not too hard at my piddly stats.
MF: 2
Magnum 4
Raptor: 2
I'm working on it, Jeeze!!
Jeff's avatar

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