Tuesday, April 25, 2000 1:03 AM
Now for the last month or so I have been getting many e-mails and instant messages from people who are concerned about the quality of CP Place. I feel the same concern that everyone else shares.
I have been a member of CP Place since day 1. I have made many lifelong friends and connections with this site. I have made friends with people that help put the enthusiasim back in enthusiast.
Now in the last year and a half I have seen some great posts and some not so great posts. I have seen people come and go. There have been times where the quality of the site has been outstanding and there have been times where the quality has been less than interesting.
There are many reasons why the quality of the context has been poor lately. The main reason is that WE ALL have been suffering from withdrawal from our favorite place. We haven been sitting infront of our computers all winter and we are ready to ride, ride, and ride. Now other parks like Kings Island are open, but we all want our PO!NT.
To make matters worse we have the world's greatest thrill ride coming to our park. Instead of knit picking every single tiny aspect, fact, rumor, or picture of Millennium Force we need to embrace it and be proud of what we have in our home park. Everyone just needs to relax and before you know it, it will be your turn to ride it. Everyone needs to keep cool and in a few weeks most of us will be able to celebrate the Force.
Another topic that has come up often is Jeff's attitude. Now I can't speak for Jeff, but if you step back for a second and look at the situation through his eyes its pretty easy to understand why he has an attitude towards people sometimes. Any webmaster that runs a popular site is going to get tons and tons of e-mail. How would you feel that every time something insignificant happened at CP your e-mail box gets flooded with e-mails. How would you feel if every time you went online you got bombed with instant messages with people bugging you about the e-mail you didn't respond to, that was written to you ten minutes ago. How would you feel if you also had a social life, love life, and a full time job that needs just as much attention as everything else. All I am saying is that before you get verbal look at a situation through the other person's eyes.
I should also mention a problem that has been coming from the "older" generation of people from this board. When I am talking older I mean from the age 20+. I understand that there are a lot of younger teenagers who frequent this site, all I ask of you is to think before you react to what someone says. Everyone knows that teenagers generally get a bad rap, I just hope that in the future the bad apples will disappear or go with the flow.
Finally I have been getting messages about people closing and deleting threads. Counting Jeff there are a total of four moderators, (Five if Dave is still around) Jeff isn't the only one that has the moderator powers. If we see something that is not appropriate for the site, we are going to take care of it. If you feel that a thread should be deleted e-mail Jeff, Tim, Scott, or myself. For the most part we have done a good job taking care of the threads.
If you are with me so far it shows that you care about the quality of this board. Remember to think before you post. Research past topics to make sure that you are not repeating anything that has not been said. If you have some late breaking news, check the board to make sure it has not been posted already. For example, how many AAA threads do we really need.
Just remember this site is what YOU make of it.
daniel(future Magnum Ride op in '00)haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
PS I should add that my new e-mail address is dan@spiritofthepoint.com
*** This post was edited by Dan on 4/25/2000. ***
Tuesday, April 25, 2000 2:20 AM
Good post Dan. I just have a question, does Jeff depend on you and the other 2 to help him out? The problem with sites like this is you are going to have all walks of life and everybody reacts differently. I have stated in Coasterbuzz and this site that we need to take the subject of these 2 sites for what they are which is entertainment. Respect others in order to recieve respect. I am 28 and I can relate with people of my age , people older than me , and people younger than me. If you keep an open mind than all else follows. Jeff, keep up the good work!!!
Tuesday, April 25, 2000 3:46 AM
Great point Dan.
I don't post often, but I do read as much as I possibly can about my favorite place on this planet (it is the first page my browser comes to when I log on). By reading about everyone's CP experiences, it makes my time at The Point more fun.
There is ALWAYS something that can be learned from someone else's experiences at Cedar Point. I've made trips to Cedar Point EVERY year for the past 27 years, yet I didn't know Cheese-On-A-Stick existed until I read about it here. It is hard to learn something about Cedar Point, when posted conversation includes "unfounded, undocumented" rumors, or when people are being slammed.
My point being that you should read what others have to say, and post only when you can REALLY ad SOMETHING to the conversation. Think before you post, and don't take it personally when someone disagrees with you--that's what conversation is all about.
Tim Howe
Lansing, Michigan
CP every year, 1974-1999.
Tuesday, April 25, 2000 8:24 AM
I agree with the above post. As someone who is also 28, at times the petty arguments are a little much. In the end this site is about having fun, nothing else.
We are talking about roller coasters here. Everyone is obviously so anxious to get into the park they are obsessing about obscure problems. To me this site is at it's best when little known facts or new infomation is past on, or when people share their own experiences.
Posting lies, personal attacks, and the endless paranoid post about webmasters brings everything down. From my experience there are many well informed people who share their knowledge, and even more people who have strong attachments to this park. People who can share experiences and memories with one another.
For the others, if you are that unhappy with this site, why not respect the members and move on.
Responding to the "stupid" post does nothing but gives the writer some satisfaction that they got a rise out everyone. In just acouple more weeks everyone will be able to post about the 2000 season, and stop the pettiness.
Tuesday, April 25, 2000 9:32 AM
I agree it's about having fun. It's been a very long winter, and we can't wait until the Point opens. But that doesn't mean that in the mean time that members have to make up things. Like dead bodies found in DT, 1 train running on MF for AAA day, and all of those other stupid rumors. If you have been waiting for CP to open for the 2000 season, since it closed in October, there's not that much more waiting to do. If you can't wait until the Point opens just do what I do read Cedar Point the Queen of American Watering Places, and then read Fun at The Old Cedar Point. If you just do that then the days go by very fast. Take it from me. About 2 months ago I had cabin fever. All I wanted to do was just sleep for 2 months, and then wake up and go to CP. Well I had a research project for english. So I wrote a 5 page paper on the early history of Cedar Point. Doing all of the research on the early Cedar Point really made time fly. Then I gave a 22 minute presentation on the entire 130 year history of Cedar Point to my Senior Writing class. By being so busy with making sure I had everything turned in on time, 2 months just flew buy. Now next weekend is the only weekend that I have free until Cedar Point closes in October. That's because I'll be working at the Point for my 4th summer. I process in on May 5 so I only have 10 more days. What it all boils down to is how you can occupy your self so that you're not looking at a calender or a clock just waiting for Cedar Point to open.
Mantis How Much Can You Stand?
Mango Madness
Tuesday, April 25, 2000 9:38 AM
Twenty-eight year olds rise up-a!! I say ya gotta rise up-a!!! :) (Shameless Stuart Scott plug)
Seriously - as another twenty-eight something, I agree wholeheartedly with all that's been said here. Perhaps it's part of being in the "older" generation (don't worry Dan, it'll be here sooner than you think :)) that makes you less tolerant of the things that occur with the younger generation, perhaps it's the desire to have a place on the internet that not inundated with nonsensical ramblings.
Whatever the case - everyone step back, take a breath. And, as BigHKid said, post something only if you feel you can add to the conversation. Summer is almost here; before long, all the off-season tension will have evaporated, only to be replaced with the recounting of tales from days and nights spent at the Point.
Tuesday, April 25, 2000 10:19 AM
The comment of the young teenagers though i am not one i can understand that they may seem to be "bad apples" because alot of them are trying to fit in the the "adults" i remeber being a teenager and not being able to fit in so i tried really hard and often made quite a few people mad and discouraged with me. I am not trying to justify their actions but i am trying to bring light to snap decisions about them. Thanks for reading. As for my age group i can see where it is difficult dealing with them but hey we love this site that is what keeps us around.
magnum of MF now that is a real question.
Tuesday, April 25, 2000 11:34 AM
Thanks for the perspective, folks.
Dan brings up some good points, namely that I alone can't maintain the quality of this discussion board. As you probably know, I have another site I have to feed and I'm spending a lot of time and money developing it. At the same time I'm trying to get wedding and honeymoon plans in order, give my cat a little attention, manage a million dollars in development and marketing costs at my day job, and find time for weekend travel to the other parks that are open.
Is this site perfect? No. Am I? No. But if you've ever been to even one other discussion board, you know just how incredibly cluttered with noise they tend to be. Sure, there are some notable exceptions, but for the most part I can't stand the unmoderated chaos that is the Web. This board has been one of the most frequently visited in the coaster world, and it's only about one park! That's because of the careful moderation and the obsession we all share.
What I have no tolerance for is the recent rash of unsubstantiated nonsense that you don't have to "know someone" to identify as a steaming pile of road apples. I have far better things to do with my time than trace TOS violations and report them to various ISP's. I'm tired of going to bed without my significant other because I'm busy with this crap.
I have considered on several occassions pulling the plug on the forum entirely. Some days I just don't think it's worth it when you provide a free service only to take crap from everyone who doesn't like the way you run things. What really kills me is that some people think that I really have something personal against them... please! I don't have the time!
I continue to press on because I'm proud to be a member of a community that shares a common obsession for a place worthy of this cult-like following. Can we please get on with it now?
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
Tuesday, April 25, 2000 12:31 PM
Although we've had a few trolls of late, the signal-to-noise ratio here is *MUCH* better than, say, rec.roller-coaster (and that's one of the better newsgroups now! Either that or my killfile is catching a LOT of junk.)
Personally my biggest annoyance is spelling and punctuation. I know I'm not perfect, make typos, and I'm not the best speller. I try, though, and I wish other people would too (this doesn't apply to everyone, obviously). The only impression most of us will get of you is through your words, and y00 c00d 3nd up 100kin 1ik a b1ith3ring ijit and we'd never be the wiser.
*** This post was edited by GregLeg1 on 4/25/2000. ***
Tuesday, April 25, 2000 1:41 PM
Man, you go away from the message board for a couple of days and you see all of this. The messages I found about "broken nose" and the "underwater coaster" was quite amusing. I don't believe most things I read, unless they have some pretty hard facts. Since the internet has become more available, more "trolls" or an old school word I still use "lamer" have been flooding the message boards, newsgroups and YES chat rooms were once fun, when few people had access!
As far is this message board is concern, its QUITE amazingly lamer free. Ya there are a couple bad apples out there, but theres not much to do about it. If you make a big fuss out of what there saying, then it will just satisfy them more.
As far as Jeffs attitude, well its his forum. He could be the biggest pain in the butt in the world if he wanted to. He does this site for free, on his own free time.
"And now for something completely different" MPFC
Tuesday, April 25, 2000 2:45 PM
I gotta agree with the whole punctuation thing. Alot of these people that post their "hate and anger" messages make themselves look even more ridiculous by not knowing basic grammar and spelling. I don't like to even respond to people who, judging by their posts, seem like they never took an English class in their lives. Maybe some people should proof read before they post.
I also have to say, I don't think anticipation for CP or MF is sufficient reason for being a jerk. Courtesy and consideration goes a long way. Remember, that thousands of people are going to be reading your posts. And if you don't like someone's else's post, don't reply to it. Sure you can disagree but please do it in a civilized manner.
I realize most of this post is just rehash of the previous posts, but I really believe in what was said. I'm gonna get off my soap box now, before someone knocks me off. Lol! Just my 2 cents, take it for what its worth.
Here's a tip, if you want to be an ignorant jerk. Go find a Van Halen chat room. You'll find they're full of em'. Lol!
"Sir, Shouldn't You Buckle Up First?"
"Aaahhh BUCKLE THIS! LUDICROUS SPEED, GO!!!!!"-Spaceballs
*** This post was edited by Bernz on 4/25/2000. ***
Nick G.
Tuesday, April 25, 2000 3:14 PM
I also agree with Dan about all those things. The thing I hate the most would have to be the people who make up a rumor that there is no way it could happen. It just takes up space for a better post. I really like the posting though, it lets you keep in touch with other CP fans. I'm sure when CP opens there won't be as many stupid rumors and posts.(Dead bodies in DT) I think all of us are a little crazy since we haven't been on a ride at the point for 6 months.I'm excited about the upcoming season and Millennium Force because I am anxious to hear how all of you like MF.
Tuesday, April 25, 2000 3:57 PM
Wow where did the dead bodies in DT post come from? Thats one of the strangest ones yet. I'm pretty sure you'll see more these posts as summer comes around, when more people have free time because of school being out. Thats they way it usually works. Oh ya Bernz, was that a little poke at me about the VH comment? The VH mailing list is pretty hard on the newbies, and most newbies who post silly messages get flamed quite badily. This message board is quite calm and quiet compaired to that.
I personaly love leaving a silly message or two about "The barrel rolls in the tunnel" or "The drop onto an air bag when Raptor gets stuck mid course" I don't expect people to take it serious but yet one or two people do sometimes. I've never started a rumor just for the fun of it like "Dead bodies in DT" or "Broken noses on MF" thats wrong. Most of my posts are a silly comment here or there which should be an obvious joke.
"And now for something completely different" MPFC
Tuesday, April 25, 2000 4:26 PM
I have to make a comment about the grammer. Due to liguistical change the internet language has taken over. SO weird expressions and lack of grammer is actually becomming a linguistic norm according to my linguistic teacher. So even though it may seem wrong to you it is becomming correct to society and it is a form of shorthand now.
magnum of MF now that is a real question.
Tuesday, April 25, 2000 6:25 PM
I have to agree that this is the best discussion board I have ever been on. Intelligent smart and most of the time no crap. The moderators do one heck of a job to keep it fine. Where else can you go to find out so much info about the point. Being 22 I try to keep my threads worthwile. As I quickly realized that this was a highly moderated and no BS site. Not that I would type stupid things. Which I like. Anyway we are all anxious to get to CP - lets keep out grammer perfect stay away from stupid posting and applaud the moderators of this site. :)
Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
Monster Ride Op
Tuesday, April 25, 2000 6:41 PM
I have only been to two discussion boards(forums). Here and Coasterbuzz. CP Place is very clean, well moderated, and organized. If I ever looked at another forum(besides Coasterbuzz), then I would expect it to be as clean and well organized as this one. Thanks and good job to Jeff and all his helpers.
Monster Ride Host
2nd Year
sky kicker
Tuesday, April 25, 2000 8:42 PM
Let's hang loose and get ready for the Millenium
Tuesday, April 25, 2000 9:14 PM
I'm actually kind of surprised (and glad) how long this board has lasted without a single AGE/SEX CHECK post :)
Wednesday, April 26, 2000 9:39 AM
You'd be surprised how little obnoxiously poor grammar and punctuation are tolerated on USENET and forums as a whole.
It's also the easiest way to lose an argument. =)