Oh boy, here we go again. Comparing two parks light years away from each other were the majority of the population will never see them both. I would love to visit there one day before PKS goes down under and I am sure there rides are as good in quality as CP's. Did you expect a friendly response on a Cedar Point site? I will start with our defense Cedar Pointers.
As much as I don't' take stock in individual poll's, their are some fascinating thing's in most of them. SFMM coasters never seem to do good. Observe a sample of polls
(Amusement Today)
http://www.amusementtoday.com/g_ticket_steel.html 3/5 of the best steel coaster in the world are at CP. SFMM coaster's don't rank in the top 10
http://www.thrillride.com/2000readerpoll/favsteel.html 3 CP coaster's Rank in the Top Ten, including #1 while SFMM has only one.
I love the excuse of people on the West coast. "only people in the East vote in these things" I guess the most populus state in the country dose not have computer's.
Stats are not everything in the world, and inversions especially. Myself, as many other people I consider Air freaks. I crave Air Time. In almost every poll, hypers (and one giga) dominate.
In my opinion, any low capacity shuttle coaster is just a cheep, unorthodox, spin-off of a Rollercoaster. I hope CP never thinks of buying one of these things.
Last, Magic Mountain is owned by PKS, the most disgusting name in the industry. Even if SFMM has better coaster's, I probably would prefer a stop at BGW or Kennywood were at both I had excellent times. If anyone here dose not pay attention to the news, I hear more bad things about PKS than good.
*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 1/11/2001. ***
*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 1/11/2001. ***