Quality and Quantity? CP and SFMM

I was just wondering what everyone means by quantity versus quality, especially between CP and SFMM. Many people are saying that SFMM doesn't have quality just because they have more coasters than CP. So here goes:I was just wondering what everyone means by quantity versus quality, especially between CP and SFMM. Many people are saying that SFMM doesn't have quality just because they have more coasters than CP. So here goes:

Cedar Point and SFMM coasters

1-CP)A 2558' long and 78' high wooden out and back coaster(Blue Streak)
SFMM-1)A 3187' long and 95' high wooden out and back(Psyclone)
2-CP)A 2540' long and 48' high steel mine train(Cedar Creek Mine Ride)
SFMM-2)A 2600' long and 70' high steel mine train(Gold Rusher)
3-CP)A 2050' long and 85' high steel 3 inversion coaster(Corkscrew)
3-SFMM)A 1900' long and 86' high one-of-a-kind steel 3 inversion coaster(Flashback)
4-CP)A 1932' long and 63' high enclosed steel bobsled(Disaster Transport)
RIP-4-SFMM)A 1490' long and 60' high steel bobsled(Sarajevo Bobsleds)-relocated
5-CP)A 3935' long and 125' high twin steel coaster(Gemini)
5-SFMM)A 4325' long and 125' high twin wooden coaster(Colossus)
6-CP)A 2800' long and 76' high steel suspended coaster(Iron Dragon)
6-SFMM)A 2700' long and 67' high steel suspended coaster(Ninja)
7-CP)A 5106' long and 205' high steel coaster(Magnum)
7-SFMM)A 4500' long and 255' high steel coaster(Goliath)
8-CP)A 3900' long and 145' high steel stand-up coaster with 4 inversions(Mantis)
8-SFMM)A 4370' long and 156' high steel stand-up coaster with 6 inversions(Riddler's Revenge)
9-CP)A 5427' long and 161' high wooden coaster(Mean Streak)
*no SFMM comparison*
10-CP)A 6595' long and 310' high steel coaster(Millenium Force)
*no SFMM*
11-CP)A 3790' long and 137' high steel inverted coaster with 6 inversions(Raptor)
12-SFMM)A 2700' long and 105' high steel inverted coaster with 5 inversions(Batman:The Ride)
12)A 1837' long and 50' high steel coaster(WildCat)
*no SFMM
13)kiddie steel coaster-CP/SFMM
14)kiddie steel coaster-CP/SFMM
15-SFMM)3830' long/188' high steel with 7 inversions(Viper)
*no CP
16-SFMM)3457' long/113' high steel with 1 inversion(Revelution)
*no CP
17-SFMM)1235' long/415' high steel launched twin shuttle(Superman:The Escape
*no CP
18-SFMM)1086' long/196' high steel super invertigo(Deja Vu)
*no CP
19-SFMM)3600' long/200' high steel 4th Dimension(X)
*no CP

So as you can see, by height and length comparison, CP and SFMM have a pretty even amount of quality. But I think SFMM has done much better because they have many more loops and don't have large amounts of the same type of coaster.(CP has 7 adult steel sit-down coasters without inversions/loops:Millenium Force, Magnum, Gemini, WildCat, Cedar Creek Mine Ride, Iron Dragon, Disaster Transport-SFMM has 4) CP has 14 loops. SFMM has 22. I could go on but the evidence is all there. So what's wrong with SFMMs quality? I know, you spoke before thinking. No need to say you're sorry. It's okay. ;)
Oh boy, here we go again. Comparing two parks light years away from each other were the majority of the population will never see them both. I would love to visit there one day before PKS goes down under and I am sure there rides are as good in quality as CP's. Did you expect a friendly response on a Cedar Point site? I will start with our defense Cedar Pointers.

As much as I don't' take stock in individual poll's, their are some fascinating thing's in most of them. SFMM coasters never seem to do good. Observe a sample of polls

(Amusement Today)
3/5 of the best steel coaster in the world are at CP. SFMM coaster's don't rank in the top 10

3 CP coaster's Rank in the Top Ten, including #1 while SFMM has only one.

I love the excuse of people on the West coast. "only people in the East vote in these things" I guess the most populus state in the country dose not have computer's.

Stats are not everything in the world, and inversions especially. Myself, as many other people I consider Air freaks. I crave Air Time. In almost every poll, hypers (and one giga) dominate.

In my opinion, any low capacity shuttle coaster is just a cheep, unorthodox, spin-off of a Rollercoaster. I hope CP never thinks of buying one of these things.

Last, Magic Mountain is owned by PKS, the most disgusting name in the industry. Even if SFMM has better coaster's, I probably would prefer a stop at BGW or Kennywood were at both I had excellent times. If anyone here dose not pay attention to the news, I hear more bad things about PKS than good.

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 1/11/2001. *** *** This post was edited by Joe E. on 1/11/2001. ***
I agree, and i'll go one step further and say I'll take Kennywood, BGW and SFGAm over Cedar point anyday. Why? Well first of all, BGW is just the best park in the country IMO, and they don't brag about records, or how great they are. Secondly, in the case of SFGAm and Kennywood, GOOD WOOD. To me that always blows away steel gimmicks. Even Knott's and SFO blow away CP in the wood department. Cedar point is great, but until they supply the wood, they're not the capital of anything in my book. This is my opinion, and I'm sticking to it. *** This post was edited by Judge Roy Scream on 1/11/2001. ***
Joe E.,I'm not trying to say that one is better than the other or anything like that. I just don't like that people say that SFMM doesn't have quality. Sure, Millenium Force, Magnum and Raptor are some of my favorites too. All in top 10. But I don't understand how CCMR or Corkscrew or Iron Dragon or Disaster Transport could even be in the top 100. I don't think CP had gotten anything out of this world before Magnum and it was 5 more years until Raptor in 1994 put them on the charts. Then Mantis was decent in my opinion. I have just as much fun on PKI's King Cobra. Them MF was definitely something to talk about. I'm just saying don't put down SFMM just b/c CP lost the record and especially if you've never been there. PKI, BGW, All Disney parks, Kennywood, Knoebels, SFGAm, BGT, SFGAdv, and I'm sure many other parks have just as good if not better quality than CP. I don't like that Pointers think CP is the end all of all parks when it's the one of the only one's they've been too. IMO, if you're just talking coasters, SFO is just as good as CP. Both have 4 World Class coasters. The rest are take em or leave em. Just my opinion though. BTW, I'm not from the West. I don't know if they have less computers or not. I'm from Lebanon,OH and proud of it. Only 15 min. to PKI. :) *** This post was edited by Mr."Coaster"E on 1/11/2001. ***
I'm not from the West coast either, but I just don't like the we're better than them nonsense that my fellow East coasters love to display. Get over yourselves. There is quality everywhere, not just your home state. I just get bored fawning over the same park day after day. Different doesn't equate to worse. The only "Homer" I like is on the Simsons.

I'm sure this thread will be closed now, but I think all opinions should be welcome, not just the one's with a pro-CP/anti SFMM slant.
I TOTALLY agree with you Mr. "Coaster" E in the sense that people have no right to claim that SFMM coasters are no good, and that every one of CP's coaster are great. CP just has a knack for landing great rides (Raptor, Magnum). I think it is called "Planning" which is not the PKS dictionary. I don't know why, it just is.

I still think CP is what it is today because of the greatest "Mistake's" in history, MAGNUM. Without Maggie, CP would be lost.

I'm just reading this and wondering what stats have to do with the quality of a ride.

Big numbers look nice and all, but some rides are just better than others and usually stats have nothing to do with it.

If you're judging coasters by their stats, then you're probably missing some incredible rides.

Closed topic.

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