Professor Delbert's Frontier Fling Is Gone

My dad was contemplating going on this (with me included) last summer, but we never got around to it. Now we never will. We did ride Snake River Falls though.

This tells me that 2026 might have something big for the combined area of both of those attractions, along with Millennium Island. It doesn't mean any coasters, though, especially given Siren's Curse.

Last edited by A New Point of View,

Unofficial Rule of Ride Removals

You must announce removals in advance so people can get their last rides in, unless a major incident or malfunction prevents the ride from doing so.

This applies to roller coasters, flat rides, water rides, and so on.

Exceptions to this rule include upcharge attractions, waterpark rides, and rides that are effectively redundant within a park.

Plague on Wheels's avatar

good riddance

Sit tight fellas ;) Applebee's fills my belly daily.

GL2CP's avatar

How can we look at tt2, sirens curse, and this massive chuck of land for future development and not be excited about what CP has been doing? It’s a crazy time for the park I’m very excited about next season and beyond.

First ride; Magnum 1994

This one hurts. I'll miss being used as a test dummy in the morning before the park opens!

Campfreak06, reborn

Removing this as well as SRF within the same window of time leads me to think this is for 2026, and that potentially whatever is coming will be significant. I know the survey a few months ago mentioned a Mack water coaster I believe; not sure that would require this much space however.

Maverick00's avatar

It’s really great to see the continued investment in the park. Obviously jumping the gun a little, but I do agree this real estate is too big to just sit empty for several years.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Vince982's avatar

Forgive my ignorance, but I'm looking at the ariel view from Google maps and wondering what the building and covered bridge is right above Frontier Fling? And what is that area on the west side of the Millennium Force island?

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

GL2CP's avatar

Building is the old station for Shoot The Rapids. Bridge was used for forbidden frontier. The area on the west was part of STR then converted to the pond where you have to pull yourself across on the floating logs (a real treat on a hot summer day). Now it’s all used for access to Blood on the Bayou.

First ride; Magnum 1994

A followup question, how about the buildings immediately to the east of that area, both above and below the 'river'. I thought they were just maintenance/storage buildings, but does anyone know specifics?

Were the dock and facade buildings on the river built specifically for SRE, or were they repurposed from something that existed before?

I've got good sources that say these rides are being removed for river maintenance. Nothing else to see here, just making room for river maintenance equipment.

Plague on Wheels's avatar

Lagoon maintenance, nothing to see here. Those pesky rides were in the way of parkgoers who come to gaze at the lagoon.

Sit tight fellas ;) Applebee's fills my belly daily.

GL2CP's avatar

I have an update from a reliable source that frontier fling will be relocated to the front gate area. The source is a dream I had last night.

First ride; Magnum 1994

Dvo's avatar

Sure wish my dreams were more reliable.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

jimmyburke's avatar

Happy that the shared "fling" dream was about Delbert's and not the type of fling that occured on Giant Wheel.

GL2CP's avatar

When I’m up on that wheel with the wind blowing the cabin around it would be physically impossible for me to chill enough to carry out that kind of fling.

First ride; Magnum 1994

I really do hope there will be a spot to put Prof Delbert somewhere -prefer on the Frontier Trail. He doesn't have to pedal, doesn't have to try to fly. Just would be nice to have him tucked away somewhere for an Easter Egg/nostalgia bit of history.

Please CP...find a place for Delbert!!

I was browsing YouTube and this was recommended for me to watch. And no, this is not my video, but I'm sure you're all going to want to watch it!

Terror Island '08
Fright Zone '09-'10

Wow, didn’t think SRF would be dismantled completely so fast. Lends more evidence to this being a 2026 project for sure with site clearing happening so soon. Would be interesting to see if any other activity happens here before the next season (footers, etc). Lots of work to do over at the Sirens Curse site for sure also.

jimmyburke's avatar

At around the 2 minute mark I paused it and tried to imagine how the relocated Perimeter Rd. would traverse that area. The old route is through the heart of Sirens Curse and appears obsolete and demolished. I wonder if it will hug the shoreline towards Famous Daves building. But then it looks like it may require some sharp turns to merge back in to the road as a more gradual angle seems to mess with existing parking areas, the HR building, and a patch of trees (gasp).

I love the idea of a guy who knows that SRF was getting removed and wanted to check out status but had no idea about Siren's Curse?

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