Problem with site.

I don't see why it's such a big deal that we must keep yelling at new users for not using the search. If it's such a big deal, why don't you make the search more noticeable instead of complaining all the time and making them feel unwelcome to the web site.

Some of the monitors of this web site need to be more polite to the users.

That’s one thing that I don’t understand about this web site.

Visit Cedar Point-on-Lake Erie
Hey way don't you use the search next time, we have already discussed this... Just kidding!

I think the search is pretty noticeable, but I do think your right, but there isn't much to do about a repeat of a topic.

Former name was B-Town
Reasons why you should use the search:

1) Repeated Threads Are Boring And Unnecessary

2) Repeat Threads Use Up Bandwith That Costs Jeff A Lot Of Money...Especially For Stupid Repeat Threads...

3) Repeat Threads Add MORE NOISE to the site...and the MODERATORS do a GREAT job of keeping the noise down here on this site...

4) Jeff And Others Have ASKED Us To Use The Search Button...When Someone Asks Me To Do Something, I Usually Do It...

5) In Case, You Have YET To NOTICE, This Is About The 10th Thread On This Stupid Subject..There Was One Earlier That Was Simply Deleted...

6) The Moderators Here On This Site Do A FANTASTIC Job, And On Behalf (Of The Good Guys), I Would Like To Say THANK YOU For Keeping The Noise Down...I Know That I Personally Appreciate It...

Is That ENOUGH Reasons For You To Use The SEARCH Button...??

P.S. The Search Button Is NOT That Hard To Find :)
I agree that the moderators do a great job, but put yourself in the standpoint of someone who just found the site and has a question they really need to have answered and they think, "Hey, this is the perfect place to ask", so they do, and then their thread is either closed or deleted. However, it is stupid when people continue to start threads that complain about how the site is run, etc... we have said it way too much, E-MAIL JEFF OR ONE OF THE MODERATORS PERSONALLY to get a response...

PS I have found that it is sometimes fairly hard to find what you are looking for with the search, especially with thread titles like "Help" or "Question" or whatever...

Steuks!! *** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 6/27/2001. ***
Good Job Mikey ! I personally do not like repeat topics, after a long day I don't want to have to sift through all the same topics to find one I wan to read about. The moderators are doing a good job. They do do it for free ya know. Is the search button really that hard to find ? No I didn't think so...........

~Chip Force
The reason I see that the search button *may* be hard to find is that it's at the bottom: say you just found the site, and see a topic that seems to be something you want to know, so you take a look. The first question and the first couple responses (those you see immediately in the first screen without scrolling) are nothing like what you thought. So rather than scroll all the way through to find the search box/button at the bottom, you simply hit "back" on your browser and start a new topic. Voila, extra noise because yes, it was discussed a few days/weeks ago. Given the volume of topics that are discussed on this site, it isn't inconceivable that you would not see a topic on the first 1-3 pages of past topics. And I agree that the search feature can be vague -- does it search through the text of the entire thread or just the titles? I've tried to look up past topics both here and on Coasterbuzz based on the responses I knew I wrote (I wanted to use a similar quote on my website), but I couldn't find it.

Please understand, I do think that the mods do an admirable job, and yes, on occasion there is too much noise from users that would be better off reading first before jumping right in, so those closed or deleted topics are indeed handled appropriately. But a possible solution *might* be to move the search feature to the top of the thread pages! Then everyone sees it right away, even if the thread doesn't match what you thought it might.

From the bottom of the lift hill of my heart to the top of the highest inversion in my twisted little mind, thanks to one and all (mods and users alike) for a great CP site with tons of meaningful discussion!

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
Why does everybody think the search feature is hard to's in a box next to a BIG BLUE GO button....

Jeff, I think it is time for that FAQ section again so we don't have to go through these posts again....... and again........ If people would just get familiar with the web page before they jumped in head first we wouldn't have this problem, with repeat topics and topics like "WHY WAS MY THREAD CLOSED ?" Everyone is just a cry baby these days.

~Chip Force
You are harsh, Chip....;)
Remember, tho, "don't feed the trolls..."

I agree with all the points made...It is tough to keep the discussions moving forward with "newbies" coming into the middle of discussions. I try not to be harse when I direct someone to the search feature. I try to find the previously discussed thread and link it to the current thread.
We try to avoid the same thread time and time again.
If I have offended anyone in the past...mea culpa...
Sometimes though the "newbie" has to remember they are coming into a "conversation" and need to listen before they speak. (or use the search button;))
Like I ment, put the SEARCH on the TOP instead of the bottom and maybe make it more noticeable. You need to take in the fact that yes, new users will not notice a small thing at the bottom of the page before they post.
I mean, they can't be mind readers, come on.
Visit Cedar Point-on-Lake Erie
Maybe you should do as CoasterBuzz does and ask people to check other sources (in their case the FAQ) before posting. Like at the top of the different forums say: "Please use the search feature at the bottom of this page to ensure that you do not repeat a topic that has already been discussed." I think this may solve a lot of the problem, and if it doesn't - yell.

I dont think its really *that* big a deal if a topic is repeated - especially if it is *topical* and helpful to a newbie....To do otherwise is basically rude....

It is *supposed* to be a community of CP fans. I dont think its unreasonable to expect repeat topics of substance and help....I think we should concentrate on treating each other like family and friends rather than being pompous about "the search function".....Treat people and post like you would like to be treated....

Like OTT mentioned, there is a very graceful way to do this and his tact in the issue (giving the link) is quite impressive and maybe others could learn from it...
"it's in a box next to a BIG BLUE GO button...."

Gemini's avatar
Sometimes though the "newbie" has to remember they are coming into a "conversation" and need to listen before they speak.

Tim makes a great point. This has been a problem in Usenet land for many years. In fact, I think "read before you jump in" is in a Usenet FAQ somewhere ... not that anyone reads them :)

Anyway, repeated topics don't bother me as much as the recent noise. Those who were at the Red Garter on Father's Day will know what I mean.

Let me put in my two cents as a “Newbie” to this site. I think that the moderators are doing a fine job trying to keep the topics fresh. There is a lot of information to filter and I am all for keeping the “noise” down and making the threads interesting!! This is a great site, and I really enjoy reading the discussions that go on here.

Let me tell you about my recent experience with this:

I first came to this site a week or so ago looking for information about a camping trip to Cedar Point for my church youth group that I am an advisor for. I searched the forum for posts about camping. (Yes, I found the search feature and used it... It's really not that hard to find!!!! And I agree, people should try to use it first before wasting everyone’s time with a repeat topic!!) The previous topics that I found did not really answer my question, so I went ahead and posted a new thread. After getting several good responses, my thread was closed by a moderator. The moderator asked me to use the search feature and posted a link to a previous topic that I had already seen. I sent an email to Jeff and asked him why my thread was closed. He promptly replied that they were a little “over-zealous” in closing the thread and reopened it for me. Thank you, Jeff!!! My only recommendation for this process would be that the moderator who closes a thread, include a link to email them in their message when they close a thread. Then, if you are a newbie and your want to ask to have your thread reopened or ask why it was closed, you know who to ask. I know that you can click on the “info” link to get their email address, but I did not realize that the last person to post to my thread before it was closed was the moderator who closed it.

Anyway… enough rambling…. I’m sure that you have all debated this in detail in previous posts, so I won’t beat a dead horse here. I just wanted to put in my two cents and my support for the moderators. I think that even though my thread got closed, they were quick about reopening it for me and that's all it takes. This site and this board are First Class all the way… I really like it!! I look forward to whittling away my time at my company’s expense :) and reading and participating in your discussions.

Later on… I’m out!!!

-Gilmore – “You suck…jackass!!”

Visit my thread at:
*** This post was edited by hgilmore55 on 6/28/2001. ***
I also agree that a newbie FAQ may be in order. If not a FAQ, maybe just a little link on the forum portal that says "Newbies- click here" with a brief history of the forums, dos and do not's, ect.

When i first came here and i noticed deleted topics and all , i took the hint,its their site and they can do what they want with it,nobody told me i had to stick around here and see if i could get them to run it the way i saw fit, i just sort of got the point :)
And the newbies are lucky too now, Jeff has gotten way more tolerant of spelling/grammar deprived people.(as i can tend to be at times)

Well said hgilmore55, I'm glad you stuck with e-mailing Jeff, it obviously worked...

The search feature is great, except for the fact that it doesn't work so often! (On GTTP/Coasterbuzz, I have gotten many ODBC timeout errors when trying to search.)


A bad day at CP is better than a good day at work.

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