Power Tower Question(s)

I've never been on Power Tower before... does it have an On-Ride Photo, and if it doesn't, is it possible to have one on a ride like that?

Tommy Penner - http://coolforce.tycoonplanet.com
"What is the Matrix?"

Nope, there is no on-ride photo...ahh, how I wish there was! If they did, I think it would be possible. They would prob. have to attach it to the towers and as you fall or blast up, and the camera would quickly snap your pics.  :)
Tehnically if they wanted to have an onride photo they could mount cameras on the side of the cars.  Thats what they did when they filmed us for the Discovery Channel.
Magnum Count: 2166

What about Big Shot at the Stratosphere in Las Vegas?  That takes your picture.
I love fall...
The cool, brisk air...
The brightly colored leaves...
The amusement park announcements...

*** This post was edited by JT Coaster on 12/14/2001. ***

Power Tower has 4 sides of seating on 4 towers.....that would require 16 cameras, and I'd think the computer systems to synchhronize all of those would be pretty expensive, not to mention complicated.
...That was Schwabinchen' awesome!!


I've been on Orbit (S&S spaceshot) at La Ronde, and it takes you're picture.  The cameras are mounted on the platform and immediatly take your picture after the launch.  It's on a pretty neat location too.  The tower is out on the lake, with a water standing platform leading out to it.
Kerry, who thinks Boardwalk Fries are the next best thing besides coasters at Cedar Point.
I think the Big Shot has cameras on the platform that snap just as it shoots you up. But it would be difficult and expensive to have one on the drop side as cameras, as Dan said, would have to be mounted on the seats themselves.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

The Turbo Drop at Buffalo Bills has on-ride photo. The cameras extend from the top of the tower and take your picture as your drop.
By the way, isn't there a drop tower (Intamin) over in Great Brittan that takes your picture at the top? I want to say it's Drayton Manor, but I'm not sure. In any case, what they did there is built a small enclosure around the top of the tower and placed the cameras inside (along with some other theming). It looks like a little orb on the top of the tower :)
I think that you're thinking of the ride that's coming to Heide Park actually.
The problem to attaching the cameras to the carriages itself is how are the cameras powered, told to shoot, and send back the image?  On a moving platform such as the car, a busrail system could be used but I would wonder about signal quality for the picture being sent back.  Having a little experience with those systems, I know that even the slightest bit of line noise can throw the picture way off.  Best and cheapest bet in my opinion is to have a camera or cameras mounted to the structure and far enough back so that they can catch the riders even with a slight variation on how high the car goes.  It is curious why CP hasn't at least tried this.

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No, it is indeed Drayton Manor. Go to ( http://www.draytonmanor.co.uk/exp_index.htm ), click on the 'Apocalyspe' link and then 'picture 1' and you can see the little 'room' on top of the tower I was speaking of. Unfortunately, what you cannot see is the on ride photo cameras. I was just told by someone that they are there (in a totally unrelated thread months ago...)
Yeah, where is that totally enclosed tower in Europe?

*** This post was edited by RaptorFlyer on 12/21/2001. ***

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