For those of you that have kept the 1998 Getaway Guide, look at the Power Tower page. It looks like it is really there, but it looked like there was too much vegetation in its location. Then I looked more closely at the cars. On this page, the picture has 3 seats on each side of the towers instead of the 2/4 combination. Another thing odd about the cars, is that towards the bottom they turn and don't line up with the track. And finally, the cars have Cedar Point written in yellow on them on the flat side with the PT logo on the corners, while in real life they are the other way around. I think PT either wasn't there when they took the picture and they just added it later with a computer, or they just added the cars.
Yeah, I noticed that way back when. I think the cars were taken from another version of the ride and the "picture" was made before the ride was in existence. Just a guess.
*** This post was edited by Camel on 6/19/2000. ***
They did almost the same thing with Millenium Force it wasn't ready so they had a drawing, instead of the computer generated fake picture of PT.
Look around and you'll find Power Tower advertised for Cedar Fair's other S&S rides. Take the ultimate extreme and find SLC's and Boomerangs from one Six Flags park and you'll see them in TV spots for the other parks.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 29
Nothing beats Superman The Ultimate Escape from Six Flags Magic Mountain being shown in the new SFO commercial.
I can see them sneaking in footage of rides that at least look like others, but their isn't even a ride that looks remotley like that at SFO.
Yeah, the Villian with a wood structure? Come on..
Whats life if you never get to the point?
Chaos was advertised a full month before it was built!
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!