Power Tower backwards?

Ok maybe its just me (I really dont think so) but the towers on Power Tower seem backwards and it really became apparent to me tonite. (DUH!) Ok when you get up to the turnstyle and they tell you to go stand on a colored dot with a number ever notice the colors of the dots dont match the colors of the towers. I noticed it before but shrugged it off until tonite. I was looking through a great coaster book titled RollerCoaster by David Bennett and saw a picture of PT superimposed onto where PT is located and I saw that in the pic it is different than it is in real life. Meaning the colored dots would match the colors of the towers. Said pic can be seen here: http://negative0.webjump.com/pt.jpg. Now what I am wondering is why are the towers in reverse order in real life? Does anyone have a possible explanation for this or am I just going nuts?
Hmm... I dont know maybe they switched the orders of the towers for some reason. I dont know it could be that the drawings were just incorrect, but then again the dots don't match either.

Against Ticket To Ride since day one!
Maybe the dots are mismatched puposefully so you notice them easier or something. I seriousky doubt they would spend all that money and put the tower in sdeways or something. Someone also occasionally brings up the topic that on the '98 funguide the picture has the people sitting in the cars 3 to a side instead of 2 and 4.

The colors for the dots aren't totally switched -- the green side has one set of red and one set of green and vice-versa. I believe it is so the ride-ops can say "Go stand on green #1 (or red #1)" since there are two sets of numbers for each tower...

If the green side had two sets of green numbers it would be kind of confusing, eh?
(I really hope that came out in text as well as it does in my mind)

PS- Go check out Jeff's review from opening week 1998 to see why they have the dots in the first place :)

The concept art also shows the cars have three seats on each side rather than two on two of the sides and four on the other two.

James Draeger
MF Count: 8
C G & C P
Which shows that the cars on the '98 Fun Guide were either drawn in or just placed there from another picture. Not to mention that the colors on the cars are backwards.
I've seen a picture wher the Power Tower looks strange. Maybe because it is backwards
That picture also shows a lush green forest where Power Tower is, instead of the concrete and grass wasteland you see in real life. =)
Yes sometimes pictures differ from the finished product and thats probobly what happened, its no biggie.
The picture on the fun guide in question was not taken at cedarpoint if you look in the background the park is not Cedar Point. They just superimposed the power tower logo onto this picture. They probably did this because there were no pictures of a completed power tower when the brochures were printed. I believe a brochure or advertisement for snake river falls its opening year has a picture of a similar ride that is claimed to be a CP ride also.
If you look on the park map the towers are opposite there too.

Live for FUN!

Rooster, We aren't talking about the picture on the drop, but the picture of the whole tower with Iron Dragon and Corkscrew in front of it. I think it's on the front of the cover, but I'm not certain.
That's because it's an artists rendering. It's not the real deal.

The book "Roller Coaster" has to many mistakes. A great deal of the facts are wrong but the pictures are great.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!

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