Power Outage at CP

Sunday Night (7/2/2000), supposively the whole front of the park lost power. A friend of mine called me from her cell phone while at the park to tell me of this irony. Seems Sunday was the comany picnic for her husbands Electricians Union. She asked me what the chances were of having this many electricians in the park and having the parks electricity go out???

Anyone else there to experience this???
I was there on Sunday, and yes, the entire left hand side of the main midway (Raptor side) was without power. The main lights under the sky ride were out, and Raptor was out. The Raptor station was dark, and trains were stopped at the brake points.

(EDITED: I didn't mean to imply that the entire left side was out, and reading through again, it appears this way)

It was actually weird to see the midway dark. I guess that power was restored (or partially restored anyway) by 11:30 or so.

E *** This post was edited by Eric Leslie on 7/3/2000. ***
I was there last night. To say it was the whole front of the park would be a lie, but the Raptor, Cedar Downs, Cadillac Cars, Sky Ride, Scrambler, many of the western side concession stands, a few eastern stands, and general outdoor lighting along the midway were affected. I don't know when it went out (a rough guess is sometime after 8 PM) or when it came back on (I left around 10:15), but it certainly was eerie walking along the darkened midway, the only real light coming from the eastern concession stands and attractions which did not lose their power. There was not total and utter darkness where it became impossible to see, but the place certainly had a darker tone to it.

At least I know what those pins I saw a bunch of people wearing yesterday were all about--the IBEW picnic (which I guessed was "International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers", but never asked to confirm or deny).


"Thank you for riding [fill in name of ride], and enjoy the rest of your day here at [fill in name of park]."

CP trips: 04
MF rides: 03 (by choice, not because of TTR)
ShiveringTim's avatar
Better me to point this out than Dave "Rideman" Althoff...

How can the Cadillac Cars lose power with the rest of the park since each and every one of those cars run under gasoline engines?? :)

(I really need to get on a coaster soon)

Scott W. Short

I was actually going to ask about those, but then, how could CP possibly operate a ride without a PA system? :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
I was on the train leaving the station as the floor got almost halfway down the lights went out and that was the end of the show. I looked back at the block brakes and there was a train sitting there. It happened a little after nine. I stayed a little bit and quickly realized it was done for the night so I went to the back of the park. As for MF, I never went there as I did not see any trains going up the lift. I heard that the elevator lift was stopping halfway down when returning from the top. Why? Not sure.

Raptor Flights: 55
Force Rides: 26
I was at Soak City for starlight and afterwards ate at Dominics. Dominics did not loose power, but when I walked alond the path by the beach infront of Breakers, Breakers East was pitch black except for a lucky few with flashlights. GW had all of its lights on but was not rotating. Oddly, Ocean Motion, stuck in the middle of the power outage area, was still running. Since I was up there just in the evening and for Soak City, I was not in the main park at all yesterday, but it did effect more then the Raptor side of the midway.

"Magnum + Prozac= Millennium Force *** This post was edited by Vince on 7/3/2000. ***
There was someone who I work with in Zone 5 Sweeps who said that the Cedars had a power outage in the morning. After the person said that I saw 2 First Energy trucks going toward Cedars. Plus one of the blue tags was also telling us about the power outage at Cedars. This was in the morning at about 8 a.m.

Mantis How Much Can You Stand?
I'm sure the power loss wasn't as bad as the Cincinnatti Airport the other day. They lost total power as I arrived and it was pure madness!!! Yelling and screaming. You would think back-up would kick in but the problem was luckly resolved in 10 minutes.

BTW: Does anyone know about how much power CP uses? Or better yet, how much power a coaster uses? (maybe this is better in a different thread)
I use to work at CP from 90-94. In those days it was very common for the power to go out quite often. The power would go out for severl minutes, give or take, we would be use to it. You would look out over the midways and see the coasters stopped on the lifts but no one ever paniced or anything like that! Why would the power go out? I never did find out, but my last summer there you noticed a second set of power lines stretching across the causeway, and that summer it seemed like they never even had any outages then.
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
cadillac cars run on gasahol..not gasoline...:)

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