Could Dick Kenzel be thinking about a Wild Mouse and a small CCI woodie for 2002 as "filler" rides since they would not be as expensive as a major B&M? A large (125-150 foot) floorless would costs at least $15 million but a Wild Mouse would costs under $2 million and even a Ghostrider clone with standard construction would run about $7 million with a CP Cyclone clone about $5 million! This would be just speculation because the rides could easily be just some flat rides. $7 or $9 million either option is much cheaper than a B&M! WHat does anyone thinks?
I believe the "filler rides" reffer to new spin n pukes. I think that there is a chance you are right, but I think that CP won't say what they are going to build in '02 till it is right around the corner.
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"
If they're going to build a big ride, they're certainly not going to tell you about it now...
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
I know they would bring it up about bigger rides but could it be that they are hinting at smaller coasters like my post indicated even though they have no intending of telling us? Suppose they announce it this fall that they would add a small to mid sized woodie with a wild mouse would that contridict what Dick Kenzel was saying even though filler rides could be any smaller rides so it is such a vaque answer but maybe that what Dick wanted. So judging from his staement I think it would very almost for sure no MAJOR coasters but lets not rule out the possibility of smaller but good quality exiciting coasters!
It would be funny if they came right out and said "For 2002, we are going to fill the park with Spin and Pukes"
Thankfully, very few of the ride's at CP I consider Spin and Pukes. Chaos, Calypso, and Witches Wheel are a few. I enjoy the Himalayan rides (even though if its not at CP, everyone seems to be getting hurt on these) because you do get some moderate Air time. A filler ride I would love to see is a modern Bug, similar to the one at Kennywood and the one that was at old Euclid Beach Park.
A wild mouse would be fun, but remeber CP's last 5 coaster's have broken some kind of record, all in height!
*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 1/7/2001. ***
*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 1/7/2001. ***
Hi all,
I wonder if the recent Six Flags developments will change Cedar Points plans? Perhaps put a project already on the drawing board on the fast track? I can't see Cedar Point just sitting back and adding a couple of "Spin and Pukes" in 02.
Personaly, I think Kinzel was blowing smoke, sure, they may very well add some small attractions in 02, but I really think something else will go in besides these "filler rides". My gutt tells me it's steel, it's fast, and will be located somewhere none of us have even thought of :)
*** This post was edited by wings51 on 1/7/2001. ***
How many times do I have to say it to sink in? Forget what Dick said... he's not going to tell the world and his competition what they're doing next year. Furthermore, whatever it is has already been determined.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
Thank you, Jeff! At least someone besides me understands that Dick is NOT going to tell the public (fans, and competition), what the park is going to built for 2002 and beyond this early...that would be like handing them a blueprint and saying "Here's what we are gonna do...see if you can beat it!" From what I hear/ read, the park plans things out at least 2 years in we can specualte on 2002, but no plans will be released in the immediate future.
Mikey :)
Jeff Says:
"How many times do I have to say it to sink in? Forget what Dick said... he's not going to tell the world and his competition"
No kidding, that's exactly what I said in my message above, I feel like I've been scolded for being correct!
By Dick Kenzel saying "filler rides", that could mean anything if not taken so literally.
I think CP is in a position to add a killer attraction(s) in 2002. With what SFO and other parks are doing, they have to.
What SFO, or SFMM, or any other park has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with what CP puts in! CP plans at least 2 years in advance. So if they didn't plan it in 2000, then it won't happen in 2002!
We all preach about the 2-year plan, yes...
But why would Cedar Point plan for a Main Midway renovation to come about in '01, then, weeks after they actually made it official, decide against it?
How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
Possibly a Vekoma Boomerang, Invertigo, or Giant Boomerang?
Nope... the capacity on any type of boomerang s aweful. Slow lines cause destruction of property(as if shor lines don't) and unhappy folks. Who wants to wait and hour for a boomerang when they could wait an hour for Raptor, Mantis, MF, Magnum...?
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"
CP-bound: for a major attraction, yes. But, just as a pure example, if CP has planned a big coaster for 2002, why couldn't they begin plans now to also add a Mad Mouse for 2002? They wouldn't need years to develop a ride like that.
I also disagree with the SFO take. SFO has added two kinds of coasters (floorless and flying) that I wish CP would have built in time. Will they build them now?...why would they when the local competition has them. My point was that CP needs a killer coaster for 2002 that is different than the competition(local)....would any of us be disappointed with that?..C'mon. Let's face it, SFO is going to grab a lot of attention this season. I want CP to take it back in 2002. And yes, I'm very, very happy with let's not go there.
But that would require "shoe-horning" a Mad Mouse into their plans for coming years. One fo the things I like about Cedar Point is the careful planning they approach their business with year after year.
For 2000 and 2001, SFO can expect to see significant attendance gains based on the new roller coasters. But sooner or later, Six Flags will turn it's corporate attention elsewhere. What happens when SFO, having caused its target market to expect spectacular new roller coasters each year, doesn't put in something big and fancy? Attendance will decline.
Give Cedar Fair credit. Their system works. We may not like it, but it's proven to be profitable for Cedar Fair.