Pop Forums Version 5

POP Forums, version 5, everyone! How about it! Round of applause!
I'm over here on GTTP checkin' this stuff out. How about the way-cool bold and italics. And hey! The classic ctrl+i and ctrl+b works, too!
And look! We can put URLs in here, too! (User wonders,

EDIT: Jeff, small problem, it appears. I re-entered my email and pass, and it brought up the TOS (or FAQ?) At the end of the TOS/FAQ was the rest of my message, which was obviously cut off.
It seems as if  it's got something to do with quoation marks, as the rest of my message, which goes as follows...
"Hmm... wonder when these new forums will reach CoasterBuzz...")
Appears below the FAQ. Interesting problem, at least. You follow what I'm sayin'? If not, I'm always on AIM, you know me.

*** This post was edited by Lynch on 8/3/2001. ***

Jeff's avatar
Good call. That's a bug. One for beta 2...

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!

Yeah Jeff I got that too when I first posted.
I noticed that it said "delete post and topic" in the edit function if you started the thread.  Does this mean that we can close/delete our own threads once they get going?  I know people asked about having that at CB, and you said people would close them if someone gave a bad opinion.  Is it okay here since it's all about one park, instead of coasters in general, or does that only work if there are no replys yet?
Kerry - Bright Man of the Elite Eight
The new forums are great, but I've found myself using the plain post. I don't know if it's just my program, but when I click in the "rich post box" to get a cursor, nothing shows up. Has anyone else had this problem, or is it just a glitch in my computer?
hey jeff ive also had a prob changing my pro file
Jeff's avatar
If you have a problem, you need to be a whole lot more specific than, "I'm having a problem."

You coud delete your own posts and topics I think back to v3.1, but I'm not sure. You can't close your own topics.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!

I love the new forums! I hope they get over to CB soon too.
Where is the spellchecker in this new version.  On three different computers I can not seem to find it.  What could I be doing wrong ??  I have all the other buttons and knobs.

Gemini 100 Cheering Section

Freaky, have you used Internet Explorer as a browser on any of those computers? It doesn't show up while using Netscape...so I can't use it either. :)
To make a single line break, use Shift-Enter.
Thanks RPerz, I knew there had to be a way!

Andrew Hyde

I'm using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 on all my computers.  Has any else had problems finding the spell checker lately ? 
Gemini 100 Cheering Section
I don't see it either. I also use IE. That was the feature I really like because I not the greatest speller. I hope its a bug and will come back.

Andrew Hyde

What happened to the smiley faces???  I miss being able to do them ;)  :)
Hey I have a problem, and I really should've posted it here before I started a new topic...

I can't change my freakin signature! I get a 500 error (internal server error) whenever I confirm the changes I made. Is it a problem on my end or is it a problem on the forum end?

http://coolforce.cjb.net -{Where The Cool Stuff Goes 93MPH}- [Not Finished!]
'OMG Tommy you're obsessed!'

'Gravity knows no force like Millennium Force.'

Jeff's avatar
Spell check is back on, but keep in mind that it does not appear in the rich post box (the one with the WYSIWYG editing). The WYSIWYG editor is only available in Internet Explorer, and therefore doesn't appear in Netscape. You can use either post box in IE by clicking the link to the left of the post box to do plain or rich editing.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!

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