
Jeff, you worried about the new point hype website coming soon? billed as the complete cedar point site?

Go Full Force

I highly doubt it seeing how all loyal GTTP fans will stay.
just a guess >
how do you make a Url here??
MF count:50

*** This post was edited by crashoverride on 1/23/2002. ***

I know, it's just...how many CP fansites we have now? I did find GTTP first and found it most useful especially the photo gallery and forums.

Go Full Force

I am one of the webmasters for the upcoming Cedar Point site; Point Hype. It will be launching this spring and will feature many new things never before seen on a CP site.

No need to question about if it will cause competition for Jeff because we don't directly compete. All the webmasters for CP sites are a friendly community looking to better the public's knowledge. No need for competition between us. All of the fan sites go about things differently and the way Point Hype will go about things will be different and refreshing.

We are not looking to take members from GTTP either. Hell, we are members ourselves! We love GTTP! We just want to offer people things which aren't out there now.

Thank you

MF 00: 16
MF 01: 61
MF Total: 77
Be there through the thick and thin.

*** This post was edited by coast on 1/23/2002. ***

Being a Cedar Point website webmaster, I can say my site is run out of love for the park. I for one, don't think Cedar Point sites are in competition. I don't see anything wrong we a few quailty sites of the place we love. Like Eric(coast) said all the other Cedar Point webmasters, are members here.

- Andrew Hyde

*** This post was edited by Andrew on 1/23/2002. ***

nothing wrong with it, thank you for your contributions.

Go Full Force

Jeff's avatar
GTTP is starting its fifth season... that's five years accounting for about two-thirds of the time the Web has been a commercial medium (depending on who you ask). Dozens of sites have come and gone. I'm not particularly worried about anything.

Webmaster/GTTP, Sillynonsense.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

I am the other webmaster of Point Hype (the one that no one knows:)). Coast just takes all the credit. ;)

I'm in Point Hype for the fun and love of Cedar Point. I could careless about competition. I'm also looking to have a career in web design, so being a co-owner of a big Cedar Point website and learning the basics (and more) can help me in the long run.

It's all in fun.

As best I can tell so far, the new CP site isn't commercial-based and GTTP isn't commerical-based, so what competition is there?  The only thing left to compete for is time.  What web site would create such a draw that the users have no time to visit any other site on the web?  None that I know of.  This site will just be another site for CP fans.

I love fall...
The cool, brisk air...
The brightly colored leaves...
The amusement park announcements...

Jeff's avatar
This site costs a whole lot of money to operate, and it is owned and operated by an actual company recognized by the State of Ohio.

Webmaster/GTTP, Sillynonsense.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

My question is Jeff - are you at all concerned about the site TDSFFL.com?  Do you think that all the loyal sillynonsense.com fans will stay? 
Jeff's avatar
Please... that site doesn't even have photos of a pornographic air freshener like Sillynonsense.com does. ;)

Better close this one before it turns to spamming and people start complaining about how I don't fairly apply the rules and what a bastard I am and all that usual nonsense.

Webmaster/GTTP, Sillynonsense.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Closed topic.

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