I'm going to CEDARPOINT and I have a platium pass and my question is what do I have to do to get in at 9:00am, just show my pass to an employee or what?


JuggaLotus's avatar

Not quite.
First, you must show up at 4:12:39 am EXACTLY. If you are late by even one second, you won't get in until 9:03am.

Next, you must drive 3 laps around aisle 3 of the Soak City parking lot.

Next, and this is what causes most people to not get in early, steal one of the go-carts from Challenge Park and drive it down Perimeter Road so you can get to the marina entrance.

Now, if you haven't done this, then you'll have to wait in the line, and just walk up to the gate and show them your platinum pass, they'll scan it, and you'll get in at 9. I recommend the Magnum/Soak City entrance for early entry.

Goodbye MrScott


That was you on the go-kart in the low speed police pursuit down Perimeter Rd?

I saw them lay the spike strips out but with your mongoose like reaction time
you avoided them and made it in to the park....at 9:08. Next time you gotta hit the NOS on those go-karts if you want to get in at 9:00

Actually after they scan your pass at the front gate you have to walk over next to Demon Drop and there will be a gate and a Cedar Point employee there to see your Platinum Pass and you walk through and your home free, until 10:00 that is.

Cedar Point X
Can't Wait!!!

Jason Hammond's avatar

^ Did they move the early enrty location? It used to be by Johnny Rockets.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
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^The early entry for the main gate did change from last year. You have to hang a right before you start walking by the Park Plaza gift shop and walk by Demon Drop and then you walk in through the area between the back end of Toft's and the Attitudes place. This procedure just makes it easier to avoid having to walk through people who think you're cutting in front of them on the Main Midway.

Ryan06's avatar

^ It actually didn't change, that is where the early entry for front gate was last year too. The only reason they let people in near the big crowd of people waiting is because some (early entry) people don't read the signs, and they wouldn't want to walk all the way back to demon drop.

Last edited by Ryan06,

Ryaи.L мsυ '11 || Cedar ρoıиt Adмıssıoиs 07·09 || Disиey 2010-2011


Thanks everybody, now I won't look so stupid trying to figure out where to go on wednesday to get my extra hour.


You could always just go to the Magnum entrance... the workers there let everybody in at 9. I was there last week and the line was about 1000 or so people, so I walked to the front to ask were Season Pass people entered and the worker told me there was 1 line. I proceeded down to the beach entrance to get in, ther was nobody in line there. If you want to ride Millenium, I suggest going in the Marina gate.

I love having a Michigans Adventure pass. Our passes don't scan so we cannot use the regular line. We have to enter the door at the Magnum entrance that says "Employees Only", where we sign in and show our pass real quick and we walk right in.

Last time we entered the park there was a big line at the Magnum entrance from resort guests, and we got to bypass the yeah...500-1000 person line and basically walk right in.

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