Platinum Pass Processing?

I'm getting my first platinum pass and I was a little confused on how processing works, also, do I have to pay for parking on the first day I visit since I won't have my pass?

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When I got mine, they scanned the code on my receipt and let me through. Then went into the pass center and they scanned the receipt again to get the actual pass. Really easy, especially for the "official" opening weekend.

I'm assuming you purchased it online and have the redemption sheet with the barcode printed out.

As audi0c0aster1 said, give that sheet to the parking attendant. They may or may not scan it, but should let you through.

Take that same sheet to the season pass center. As you approach from the parking lot, head to the left (west) side of the building. If there is a line, there's a single silver handrail switchback that you might have to wait in. When you get inside, hand the sheet to the season pass employee. He/She will scan it. It should pull all the information you entered online and the employee will ask you to confirm that. You stand against the wall, they take your picture and hand you the new platinum card and ask you to sign it. Out the east door you go and over to the park gate. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

If you have not yet purchased the pass, you will have to buy one at the ticket window of season pass center (south end), fill out a paper, then go inside to get your picture taken. I imagine you would have to pay for parking at the attendant, but you might be able to get a refund on that when you buy the pass (take your parking receipt).

Connor O'Kane -

Thanks for the help! I'm going Monday, so pumped!

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