heres my delemia, and hopefully someone that lives closer might be able to help me out. IM going to CP in june with my family and a few friends, however apparently word has spread to alot of my friends about how great MF is and now they all want to go. well that just cant happen for reasons such as getting off work etc... Well last night while braging to all of them that i get to go in less than 2 weeks, they decided to take off four days in the beginning of August and go. of course i am not going to hesitate to lead this second excursion, but we have a problem. apparently CP resorts do not rent rooms to people under the age of 21. My friends and I are all 20 so we dont know if there is any way to get a listing of area motels or hotels that would rent to us. or if anyone knows of any that would be great too ( pref ones that dont notice when 7 people are in the room).....if any of you have any ideas on this it would be appriciated..
two weeks from today ill be MF'n!!! :)
Please see other post from earlier this year which discussed this point in detail, "Hotels for 19 year olds"