PKI and CP season pass deals

Ok, I'm not quite sure what point im trying to make with this post, but i just seen the latest PKI 2005 season pass deal they have going on till the park closes.

For 85 dollars, for a single pass, and only 70 dollars each for a "four pack" deal that doesnt require each passholder to even be related or anything,you can get the rest of the 2004 season with parking and all 2005 with parking.

Now i know nothing has been announced so far about 2005 season passes, but if they dont come up with something better than they have the last few years, I will be thinking hard about what parks pass I'll be considering purchasing.

As far as things other than price its already a tough decision.

So, does anyone think that CP might just realize how tempting PKI is being and they might have a sweet deal? Or that they were voted #1 again in the golden tickets, therefore, most we can hope for is a price break this fall/winter?

We have 2005 Paramount passes too. We took advantage of the exact offer you mentioned when we visited PKI in early August (they've had this 4-pack deal going on for awhile). You didn't mention it, you can also add as many extra passes for $70 as you'd like. The people don't even have to reside at the same address!

In addition to already using the 2005 pass at PKI several times, we visited Canada's Wonderland (near Toronto) and enjoyed our day. Yes, the parking was free there too.

Paramount might not have the record-breakers CP has (it has some decent coasters, especially at PKI), but it DOES have great kids areas. $70 for several months of 2004 and all of 2005 at any Paramount property, including parking and waterparks. That's a fabulous deal IMO.

Cedar Fair parks are nicer - cleaner, better coasters (at CP anyway), better run. However, is it worth that much more money? In the case of CP, my vote is "yes". In the case of Geauga Lake, my vote is "no". In fact, Geauga Lake looks horrendously overpriced compared to PKI, considering all the extras you get with that $70 PKI pass.

Hey, I heard a rumor that Top Thrill Dragster is sinking...

Jeff's avatar
"I just seen?"

PKI's impact is limited to Columbus, and even then, the primary season pass market for any park is likely a lot closer. Their season pass deals will have little to no impact on CP pass sales.

Single-day visits, on the other hand, might be a different story.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

"I just seen" ? would be a more accurate correction, Jeff.

I'm really not that anal, but that just jumped out a me.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

Jeff's avatar
What are you talking about?

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

You quoted WHOEVER as "I just seen?"

He/she did not use a question mark. You did.

Anal? Yeah. But a correction that is incorrect needs to be corrected. LOL! :)


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

Jeff's avatar
I still don't understand what you're talking about. What exactly are you being anal about?

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Correct use of the english language.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

Mr. Scott is saying you should have put the question mark OUTSIDE the quotation marks, not inside, when you quoted WHOEVER.

The thread is degrading quickly...

Hey, I heard a rumor that Top Thrill Dragster is sinking...

TTD is sinking too! WINS THE PRIZE!

Was that more difficult than it should have been?


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

Jeff's avatar
Too bad you're wrong. Punctuation goes inside the quote. Look it up. That's first grade English.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

(I didn't really want to get in the middle of this, but I was curious.) According to Webster, MrScott wins.

...if a question ends with a quoted statement that is not a question, the question mark will go outside the closing quotation mark.

  • Who said, "Fame means when your computer modem is broken, the repair guy comes out to your house a little faster"?

Now we're about as far off-topic as you could possibly get.

Hey, I heard a rumor that Top Thrill Dragster is sinking...

Jeff's avatar
That's not current accepted publication standards. I'm looking here at my publisher's style manual and they make no exception. We never made such exceptions in any of the dozen English classes I took in college. Believe what you want, but I'll trust the people that publish books.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

WHOEVER never used any punctuation, Jeff. You did. At least within your quote.

Whatever. It's your kingdom.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

Yes, I know for a fact the question mark goes inside a quote. It's also different if you have: said so and so after it. Like if it's just a period you do it as follows: "I just saw(not seen)," replied Susie. I don't want to get into an grammatical debate though, trust me, Jeff knows what he's doing.

-S. Eagle-

Smoking Marijuana isn't a bad thing or even a good one, like everything else, its what you make of it.

Walt's avatar
FWIW - looking at my AP Stylebook, it says regarding placement of question marks with quotation marks: "Inside or outside, depending on meaning."

The AP uses as example:

  • Who wrote "Gone With the Wind"?
  • He asked, "How long will it take?"

However, as far as other punctuation goes, the stylebook says, "the period and the comma always go within the quotation marks."

*** Edited 9/5/2004 2:37:43 AM UTC by Walt***

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Yeah, I was pretty sure about that. Your pretty much adding something to your sentence in quotation, so the ? goes afterwards. Like an actual quote of what someone said or a published song or story. But when it's conversational, as in talking, you have the comma or the punctuation in the quote. I believe Jeff was pointing out the use of seen instead of saw, obviously, as for the ? mark it could be wrong if he was asking why he used that sentence, but no big deal really.

-S. Eagle- *** Edited 9/5/2004 2:24:40 AM UTC by sean_s_eagle***

Smoking Marijuana isn't a bad thing or even a good one, like everything else, its what you make of it.


The Chicago Manual of Style also claims that ? and ! are placed based on the speaker to whom they belong---if the quotation is a question or exclamation, the mark goes within the quotation marks. If the question/exclamation belongs to the narrator, the mark belongs outside. Ref: Rule 10.27 in the 14th edition.


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