Pirate Ride?

I was looking at this site and wondered if that building was still in use. I know it's still there by the blue streak. Does anyone know what CP plans to do with it? or even if it is being used? From what I gather it's sorta like the Haunted Mansion of Disneyland where you get in this car and it moves you through various scenes. I think something sorta along the lines of "it's a small world" but snoopified would be a huge hit.


Johnny Rockets Crew 2003

"Hey Somebody"

The old Pirate Ride building is home to a storage area and the candycane making station. Lots and lots of candycanes in there.

- John
I Snap Flyers

Candycane? What candycanes?


Johnny Rockets Crew 2003

"Hey Somebody"

The backside of the building is one of the parks many storage sites it's part of the park services department. In that building is where they store some of the Halloween decorations, the candy cane's (hight sticks) and gardening tools. The front side use to be an arcade but I think this year it's going to be part of the sports bar/restaurant A.K.A the old Silver Dollar Cafe.

Magnum 00'
Pet Farm AATL 02'

Candy Cane's are the hight sticks as I mentioned above ;-)

Magnum 00'
Pet Farm AATL 02'

Ohhh... I'm not a ride person so I'm not familiar with the Lingo. Sounds like the sports bar is gonna be popular!


Johnny Rockets Crew 2003

"Hey Somebody"

The pirate ride scared me to death the first time cause I was little and terrified of roller coasters. My sister told me it wasn't a roller coaster but I didn't believe her. :( However from what I remember, even as a small child I was not too impressed with it. Maybe I'm the minority here, but I don't miss it.

Brent Haley
Gemini Crew '02
Dragster Crew '03, ATL '04

The old Pirate Ride also houses much of the computer system for the Blue Streak, as well as cleaning items storage and such as mentioned above.

'96 Merchandise Raptor Cart... '97 Zone 1 Sweep Crew / Disaster Transport Crew... '98 Iron Dragon Crew / Zone 1 Sweep Crew... '02 White Water Landing Crew... '03 White Water Landing TL...

I really miss the Pirate ride. It was one of the 1st rides I was ever on. When I was a little kid I was fascinated with Pirates like most little kids, but that ride scared the crap out of me for a few years, and I loved it. I couldnt wait for the next set of doors to open to watch the next scene. Some were supposed to be somewhat humorous, others somewhat frightening. Loved it. Same goes for Earthquake. They are both missed.

"Id rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotomy."

I barely remember the Earthquake ride, and honestly, I think my memories of it are confused with the "real" Pirates of the Caribbean in Florida. Was it as cheesy as the Pirate Ride?

'96 Merchandise Raptor Cart... '97 Zone 1 Sweep Crew / Disaster Transport Crew... '98 Iron Dragon Crew / Zone 1 Sweep Crew... '02 White Water Landing Crew... '03 White Water Landing TL...

One of the few times I was in the park services side of that building I remember seeing the black lines where the track used to be. So some remnants of the ride still remain besides the building. I think CP could use another dark ride, still.

- Chris -
Monster/WW ATL 02
Monster WW TL 03
Antiques/Swings TL 04


(My first post.) I liked the Pirate Ride, as well as San Francisco Earthquake. I suspect this is just because I was young when I rode them. I do remember it seemed like a lot of kids would hop off the ride inside and walk around a bit. I imagine that was a bit of a pain for the staff.


Pete's avatar
I think kids jumping off was a big problem. From what I remember, they didn't run Pirate Ride when the park was loaded with un-escorted kids, such as the school trips in the spring.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

Ah, the Pirate Ride. Brings back old memories....

Yes, I was one of the offending youths that used to wander around a bit in there. Of course, I would never condone such a thing now.

The one thing that did freak me out, though, is that I never could figure out how those cars were propelled. I thought perhaps an electric rail (thus my fear), but never did get zapped. Anyone know how the cars knew when to stop 'n go, and what the propulsion mechanism was?

Yes I miss the old Pirate Ride too. Every time I walk across all that concrete out front I can just picture the Pirate ship in the water and the splash from the cannonball fired from the top of the building at it. Man I miss that ride. It was a classic.


Pete's avatar
It think the center guide rail also had the electric conductors on it, one on each side of the rail.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

I loved the Pirate Ride, then I realized that it was probably a really huge liability (said unsupervised children running around electrified rail systems), and a huge pain in the butt to maintain from the looks of it (That beast was old!)

I was alive when the Earthquake things was still there, and think I would have enjoyed it a lot, but alas I don't remember it what-so-ever. Where was it at again?

*I* remember the really big slides that would always give me rug burn and make me go really really fast... I missed them when I came back the next time, which happened to be like two years after they took them out. That and the animal show... that was a HUGE favorite of the family to go and sit down for an hour or however long and watch animals go nuts.

Ahh the good 'ol days

*looks at WT, TTD, and MF* but I wouldn't trade today for the world


'04 Twister ATL
'03 Twister/Sky Ride (Spent month@Disaster too)

Propulsion: Pete is right...the center guide rail included a power bus. The unusual thing about it is that it was 110v AC. It's more common these days to use 24v or 48v DC...safer for any fool who would come into contact with the uninsulated power bus.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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