I am thinking of suggesting this to my school and was wondering if anyone has ever been to it and can give me some details. I've checked their website and it really isn't that specific. Is it just basically a normal day in the park, or do they have displays/stations set up? Do they give you a packet or a scavenger hunt to work on? What is it like being there? Any information will be helpful!
It's been quite a few years since I went on Physics day and I wasn't actually doing the projects. I don't recall there being any stations set-up, but I think they will allow participants to use accelerometers and other instruments on the rides.
From what I gather, it's a REALLY busy day in the park. I've also heard that most kids either spend almost all their time trying to complete their assignments or they just say 'screw it' and spend a day in the park and try to copy the work later.
I don't think Cedar Point offers any materials for you except an in-depth look at maXair by Dave Althoff, Jr (RideMan).
This page and this number should hold the answers to all your questions.
Site: http://groups.cedarpoint.com/public/studentyouth/mathphysics/index.cfm
Phone: (419) 627-2350
I went last year, it was basically a day in the park except, there is a teachers day beforehand and they gave our teachers packets which they passed on to us to complete. There is also an hour or so presentation about noon. We were not required to go. We did have to turn the packet in for points.
-Allan M.-
Live E Lead Starlight Experience Tech - 2010-2012
Live E Fog Tech (Fright zone/Screamworks) - Halloweekends 2009-2011
Yeah I was there last year too. But our teacher had a different packet that other schools. For us last year we turned our packet in at noon and then had the rest of the day to ourselves to ride. But I know one school in our area required their students to work on the packet all day.
Stephen P.
2008: Raptor
2009: Front Desk Clerk; Breakers Express
2010: Assistant Front Office Manager Breakers Express
That would quite possibly defeat the purpose. You could just throw the kids measurements, and say here you go, do it in class. Do you know which school? I'd be curious to know which school did that. I hope its none in Lorain County ;)
At anyrate we had fun, after the packet was turned in at noon for use too.
And to answer the question once more, i would defiantly recommend suggesting it to you school. And even if you have to do the packet most of the day, you got out of school for a day and enjoy the park atmosphere.
-Allan M.-
Live E Lead Starlight Experience Tech - 2010-2012
Live E Fog Tech (Fright zone/Screamworks) - Halloweekends 2009-2011
It was Elyria High. Now it was from the mouths of my friends at E-High saying they had to work the entire day. And the other thing is that it has been 10 months so I probably don't remember it accuratly.
Stephen P.
2008: Raptor
2009: Front Desk Clerk; Breakers Express
2010: Assistant Front Office Manager Breakers Express
For anyone who has gone there and completed a packet or worksheet, can you post a sample question of what was found on your packet? Thanks.
I don't remember word for word but i do recall that they wanted you to figure out the speed of the Midway Carousels by getting the circumference in steps and using the time distance stuff. (I didn't do well in physics lol)
-Allan M.-
Live E Lead Starlight Experience Tech - 2010-2012
Live E Fog Tech (Fright zone/Screamworks) - Halloweekends 2009-2011
Last year when my school went the teachers only gave us a piece of paper and we had to go to different stations and we had to get a stamp by the guy at the station saying we were there.
*** Edited 3/22/2007 11:00:55 PM UTC by bubbakevjr***
Naturally every school is different in what they are going to have you do.
bubbakevjr: were those people at each station staff from your school or cp staff.
-Allan M.-
Live E Lead Starlight Experience Tech - 2010-2012
Live E Fog Tech (Fright zone/Screamworks) - Halloweekends 2009-2011
im going this year and my teacher wants me to calcutlate the wattage per launch based on height and weight of train and speed used by wicked twister. I hope to god hes joking
Screamster 08,09,10,11
Soak city 10,11
Castaway Bay 10,11
** Worst screen name ever**
I'm a student at Elyria High. The packet from EHS doesn't take all day unless you ride 8 rides then take one measurement. I was done before 2. And I was required to solve 6 problems that needed multiple measurements. That's not bad consider that this year, since I'm an AP Physics C student, that I don't have to do any work. Just ride rides and make fun of the juniors from Elyria. *** Edited 3/24/2007 12:29:11 AM UTC by laughingman6***
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