Other than MF, are you allowed, on the smaller (laugh) coasters, to take pictures while on it? I have a camera that has an adjustable strap on it and is virtually impossible to come off without pressing the clamp.
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No, You are not allowed to take pictures on any major coaster or thrill ride is not permitted. Taking the camera on the ride can not only cause injury to other riders, it can also cause injuries to yourself. Several riders at other parks have had serious injuries from such foolish behavior.
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
Here is a couple I took..http://negative0.webjump.com/kj_idonride.jpg and http://negative0.webjump.com/kj_idonride2.jpg
Then how did the guy at Joyrides get his Mean Streak pictures?
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He broke the rules.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
So you broke the rules also Jeff when you got your pictures ON magnum? I think that showing these pictures in your gallery is promoting behavior that would not only be dangerous to other riders, but detrimental to the state of Cedar Point. Sadly, many people look to you as a role model, and when they see you do it, they feel that it is alright. Personally, if Cedar Point gave me the treatment that they gave you, I wouldn't walk all over their rules. I would expect better from you Jeff. And I know nobody here will back me on this, I guess that they are all afraid of Jeff. No disrespect Jeff, but if you can make ill-intented coments to others, you better ne expecting to get them also. Because we all know that you want to run a FAIR message board and won't get mad since for once the shots are taken at you and not someone else.
*** This post was edited by MFfreak on 7/29/2000. ***
How do you know Jeff took that picture?
it is definitly not a good idea to bring a loose camera (or cell phone for that matter on a major ride) I've only been to cedar point two days this year, but in thoose two days i saw three incidents with cameras/cells. On blue streak some guy in the front had his camera fly out of his hand and to the back of the train where my friend somehow caught it (he's a lacrosse goalie so maybe that helped) Then on power tower i twice saw things fall from the top of the drop side. One was a camera which fell onto the grass and the other was a cell which fell and broke on the loading platform. Thankfully no one was hurt, but in both these instances the ride ops did not even say anything to the parties whose items had fallen
Guys, I think we need to settle down about this one. No, photos are not allowed to be taken on ANY Cedar Point ride, coaster or otherwise. Not even from the Skyride or Space Spiral! But regardless of that, most of us (I'm certainly not saying all and I mean no one in particular) have broken that or similar rules at times -- what about the rule "keep your hands and arms inside the ride at all times"? Are you going to say that you ALWAYS keep your arms down, no matter what the ride? There are safety reasons for everything, and if you choose to break those rules then you do so at your own risk. You have to admit that they do make great pics, though I don't condone the practice. Cedar Point is there to have fun, after all, so lets try to remember that and not ruin someone's day!
Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
I would only take one picture, put it away. I'm not talking about wasting a roll per ride.
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The bigger problem is that if the ride where to stop suddenly or if there are trims on the ride you can get seriously inured. I am not certain but all those pictures you see on Guide to the Point where taken during the lift cycle. This is much safer than taking a picturing during the ride. They have those rules for a reason folks. I would awesome that if you somehow lost the camera and got someone hurt you would be held liable.
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
I'm just all worked up b/c Jeff acts like doing it is such a horrible crime. However, he condones that kind of behavior by posting a picture taken on a ride. (regardless of he took it or not). And that, my friends, makes him a hypocrite.
Wait I don't see why you can't take photos on Space Sprial. Okay I can see why they don't want pics on Sky Ride, Giant Wheel, and CPLE Railroad.
Sky Ride and Giant Wheel somebody drops camera hits a person. On CPLE Railroad somebody drops camera jumps off train to retrive it. On Space Sprial though?!?
Remember, line jumping is NOT a sporting event!
I don't know why not either, that's just the way they have it. Go figure...
Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
Jefff never said it was a horrible crime MFfreak. All he said of Joe Schwartz's onride pics was that he broke the rules. Don't tell me you have never broken a rule MFfreak. I'm sure both Jeff and Joe had their cameras properly secured. I'm not saying it's right. I'm just saying there are more dangerous things to do on a ride.
Remember, line jumping is NOT a sporting event!
Role model? God help us...
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
i shot a wholre roll of film on Mean Streak one time and i have pics from the Eagle atr SFGAm that are so good i have 'em framed in ride sequence...i KNEW i wasn't supposed to do it, i DON'T do it anymore and i would NEVER tell others to do it either. fact is, i did it, i was wrong, i stopped before someone got hurt. did i get good pics at CP? sure, some, but not enough tto justify a whole roll of 1000 speed film on MS. now the 800 speed i shot on the OTHER rides...
ride early, ride often!!!
The difference between not keeping your hands and arms in the car at all times and taking pics on the ride is that by doing the first there is no danger, where as in the latter there is a great danger. Saying that U have the camera "secured" is no excuse. There's no telling what can happen on a roller coaster, and the only way it can be completely secure is when its NOT ON THE RIDE. The reason I get upset about this is that when someone breaks these rules they aren't endangering themselves, but rather everyone else on the ride for the sake of a few pictures. It just happens way too often
Thanks for everyone that answered my question. But, in order to stop a argument between good and evil, I'm closing this topic.
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