Photos of other Impulse footers

A couple of people have posted requests to see photos of the footers for other Impulse coasters that have been built. I went looking through my collection of photos from when SUE was being built and came up with a couple of decent shots. You can see them over at this link.
James Draeger
"Legend is a wooden Jesus"
Thanks a lot! The space between the supports in the footers look the same apart as ours. So, I think ours will be inverted.

The footers on the end look different than ours. I think that it will have to do with the height on ours. Making it taller, I mean! ;)

Force Laps: 424
VertiGo Shots: 32
6/11/01: Gemini 100

I'd like to think that the extra large footer is for the second tower that will twist with the other...
Laugh ye not too hard at my piddly stats.
MF: 3
Magnum: 5
Raptor: 2
I'm working on it, Jeeze!!
Anyone got any pictures of any other impulse coasters? I don't know anything about these. I went to the Intamin website, but they don't really say anything about it. They have a picture of one there but it just looks like it goes up and back down. Do they all do just that? Are these things any fun? "IF" CP did this, are they going to be going for the height record to beat the superman ride out in california? I just don't know anything about this! I must be enlightened...
yes, yes you must
Laugh ye not too hard at my piddly stats.
MF: 3
Magnum: 5
Raptor: 2
I'm working on it, Jeeze!!
This ride is like superman ultimate escape in Ohio.  Superman ride of steel in california is a different type of ride.  I doubt it will be taller than ride of steel, but It will be taller than ultimate escape.. 

"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."

Gemini Hand Smacker,

Consider yourself enlightened...:)

The one in Japan isn't really considered an Impulse I think (even though it says so at the site).  It doesn't have a twist on either end, just a straight spike.
"I'm on a drinking team with a bowling problem..."
Ride of Steel's avatar
kakarot, the Superman in California is NOT called Superman Ride of Steel.  It's Superman: The Escape. Get your facts right before you try to educate others and NEVER blaspheme the supreme Superman, that is Ride of Steel at New England. 

k thx

Mine Ride '99 (RIDE MINE!)
Thunder Canyon '00 (TC2K 0\/\/Nx0rZ j00!)
Millennium Force '01

Ride of Steel said:
"kakarot, the Superman in California is NOT called Superman Ride of Steel. It's Superman: The Escape. Get your facts right before you try to educate others and NEVER blaspheme the supreme Superman, that is Ride of Steel at New England.

k thx

Mine Ride '99 (RIDE MINE!)
Thunder Canyon '00 (TC2K 0\/\/Nx0rZ j00!)
Millennium Force '01"

Natalie, you are such a sweetheart. :)

I rode yours.
Coastermania '00
Go Full Force

As Cedar Fair buys more parks I hope it doesn't go the Six Flags route, Magnum The Escape at Dorney, Magnum Ride of Steel at Knotts,  Magnum the Revenge at WOW,  etc., etc.
Ride of Steel's avatar
lol that would be awesome.

Magnum:  Ride of Pain,
Arrow multielement, new at Valleyfair 2003!

Mine Ride '99 (RIDE MINE!)
Thunder Canyon '00 (TC2K 0\/\/Nx0rZ j00!)
Millennium Force '01

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