
I am looking for some actual photos of MF to add to my own collection of MF photos, anyone have any to send, post?
I got about 700 total.

daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1266
MF Count: 117 *** This post was edited by Dan on 3/12/2001. ***
Wow! Is that all of Millennium Force?

I have about six. lol

~Eric L.~
My count is at, well........1, my one on-ride photo I've ever bought. (I know, I'm a cheapskate....)

Trim brakes-a necessity???
(used to be MFistheBEST)
AOL Screen name-SkiDoo8613
I sure ain't no Dan, but I have about 40 I could send you.

-Chris G.
Okay, by email or by actual mail or by airmail or by water mail or....what?
Here is my email:

I will send you my mailing address for security reasons.
Could someone send me some pics too please. Thanks

{The Most Realistic Parks to Hit RCT}
I have some pictures of Millennium Force during construction period. E-mail me and I'll give you the URL.
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
I got 525! all digi too!

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!! *** This post was edited by Jeffrey Spartan on 3/26/2001. ***
I'm looking for a specific pic. I'd like to have a pic of the first lift with the Magnum lift in the background. A friend at work hasn't been up since MF was built, and he just wants to see how big the difference is.

"Did you make a copy? Because if you made a copy, we could watch the copy."
Too bad that even if you find one, it'll be a little hard to compare since the two rides are perpendicular to each other. One from the Breakers should be a good shot though.

May the Force be with you
I have one around somewhere that I took of the Millenium Force (the whole thing!!). It doesn't compare the heights of the two rides, but it does give you an idea of how big it really is. I had a panoramic camera with me when I walked the Magnum lift for Milleniumm Mania training.... If I find it I'll post a link to it here.
*2000 - Cedar Downs crew, WildCat crew/acting TL
*2001 - Cedar Downs assistant team leader
Actually the view from the Magnum lift sounds good. Hope you find it!

"Did you make a copy? Because if you made a copy, we could watch the copy."
I just remembered I did this with my trip to CP last year and put my web pages up on a page. Luckily I didn't delete it and it contains an image of MF from the Magnum. Low quailty so you can load it faster. If you want, I can email you the bigger picture
Brian Z.
See The Phantom's Revenge at KW-May 2001
Thanks. I am awaiting pics in the mail from M.H.
I have a large framed picture of my myself standing in front of the tunner and 3rd hill.

Live for FUN!

I have taken alot of MF pics myself,but haven't gotten around to developing all of them. I did pic out some of my favorites and stuck them on my site.


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