
I read at many websites that poeple(workers) already has rode MF. Is this true? I ask this because i saw it at five different websites.

No it is not true first they have to go through a long testing process before people can go on
what were the sites?
"I'm a jerk I'm a PUNK took a shower cause I stunk", Blink 182's Degenerate *** This post was edited by punk on 4/5/2000. ***
Jeff's avatar
Actually, it is true. It is my understanding that at the very least the Intamin guys have been on it, and perhaps a few CP employees. Non-employees may not ride under any circumstance until the ride has passed inspection by the state.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
I reported it on my site over the weekend. :) A few of those Intamin guys got to rode. It would be great to hear what they thought.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Well, I think it is safe to say they are probably a little partial. :)
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
wow I hadn't heard that...I wonder if Intamin would post the reaction anywhere?? I would love to hear 1st opinions on this...


Jeffrey Spartan and Proud New PAPPA
How are Intamin and CP employees exempt from the safety inspections from the state? Doesnt safety checks apply to anyone?
i saw a show one time about building caosters and what happened was this...before the ride was even COMPLETED(lift hill done and about 1/2 way through the rest) they took the engineers, strapped them in the train and sent it over the hill!! this is true!! i really saw this!! it was on PBS or something. the train stopped by the first brake run, maybe. don't ask me details..i just remember the insanity of it...riding an unfinished, untested, uninspected coaster. this was in the early 90's too...

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
There is a story in the book, "Roller Coasters, Flumes, and Flying Saucers" of them doing exactly that with the Matterhorn Bobsleds coaster at Disneyland while it was under construction...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Disney...don't even get me started on them...anyhoo, if ya can't wait to ride, and you have the chance/right to do so, what the hey!! i'd do it. if i died, i'd be the happiest person in Heaven!! died on a coaster, doing what i loved!!

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
yes, people have ridden the ride, however, they were only Intamin designers and FULL TIME CP employees. Thought I'd set the record straight.
Servo, I think I seen that to, all I remember about the coaster was that is was Green. Weird.

I've heard that the engineers (Intamin) have only been on it.

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