Pedestrian Tunnel?

What is this about a pedestrian tunnel? What is a pedestrian tunnel? Please explain, Thanks.
Apparently they aren't going to let us walk directly under the Millennium Force tracks where they cross the Frontier Trail; instead they are going to make us walk through a tunnel.

Why is it okay to walk under Corkscrew but not okay to walk under Raptor, Mantis, or Millenniumn Force without crap-catchers between the coaster and the pathway? Is it because with Corkscrew we are walking under the "clean" side of the train?

A pedestrian tunnel is, of course an ordinary tunnel, as opposed to an ornate one. :)

(Oh. That's another meaning for 'pedestrian')

A pedestrian tunnel is a tunnel provided for pedestrians to perambulate through as they progress down the pathway. Pedestrians, then, are people who proceed to perambulate down the pathways on foot. :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr., who wishes he could have thought of a synonym for "foot" that starts with "P".

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.
Actually Dave, you could have simply used ped, as that is derived from the latin term pes, meaning foot.

Pedestrian actually means travels on foot. Ped=foot! See where I am going :-)

Although, to be completely honest, down the pathways on ped just doesn't have a good ring to it.

"E" *** This post was edited by Eric Leslie on 4/19/2000. ***
Sigh It appears to me more and more that Cedar Point has gone for the gusto with MF but has ignored all the sublte design considerations. This is most disappointing since the attention to deatail and the finer points (past tense?) was a hallmark of the park. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come. Rest assured, capital improvements can only bring back a certain return and the smaller considerations show themselves in numbers over the long run.
Jeff's avatar
"Crap-catchers," is that an engineering term, Dave? :)

But seriously folks, I think the difference here is that Millennium Force will be moving along at an estimated 70 mph at that point on the ride. Let's say hypothetically that someone's wrist watch came off while their hand was outside of the train. In theory, it could stike someone at 70 mph.

On the other hand, if someone lost a shoe just before entering the loop on Raptor, what would stop if from striking someone under the "crap-catcher" adjacent to Silver Dollar? We might never know...

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
Pete's avatar
You have to consider what can happen to a person walking under the tracks if an object is dropped from the train. MF will be going probably around 75mph at the point that it crosses the Frontier Trail. Would you want to get hit by an object traveling that fast? I didn't think so. Also, in another thread, someone mentioned that the tunnel will be called Tenderfoot Pass. This may be a sign that it will not just be a plain tunnel, but will have some type of theming.

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