Why does parking have to be paid for? What is the rationale behind it? Is Cedar Fair still paying off a giant slab of asphalt, lol...
For the same reason why there's a pay-one-price admission instead of paying for individual rides: that's the business model.
Do you realize how expensive it is stocking the lots with the quality and quantity of seagulls? and they insist being on scale!
On a serious note: CP is hardly the front runner in charging a separate parking fee. Just about every coaster/theme park or airport does this.
Currently at x0, y0, z0
You are paying for the maintenance, parking staff, any roadside help you may need and security. Stuff costs money and has to be paid for some how.
Security? Roadside Assistance?
Anyway, that's why I go Platinum every year so I don't have to fork out the now $15 for parking
I actually don't have as much of a huge problem paying for parking as I do the online $6 service fee for tickets. I still don't like it, just not as big of a complaint. While it would be nice, they certainly could role the price of parking into the admission like they do for the platinum pass and guest staying in hotels; there are circumstances that the park could use to justify separate parking fees. Going to just use the beach would be one. Second, the price is listed and advertised on the website. You can plan for it and it is not tacked on at the last second for no reason. Third, I could eat a meal at one of the restaurants outside the park and have my parking validated. There is something to be said that you are renting property the park owns to store your car. The park could in theory be using that space for other things like expanding the size of the park and adding more attractions. All of those reasons are still a little weak and it is still just a money grab and they charge it because they can and to make more profit. Raising the prices the way the have is completely unjustified.
The PointGuru said:
Second, the price is listed and advertised on the website. You can plan for it and it is not tacked on at the last second for no reason.
You make the strangest distinctions. :)
The price for parking isn't found very easily on the web site, in my experience. One must navigate to the FAQ section to find it, while ticket prices are found elsewhere. So, if someone checks the ticket prices, then drives 200 miles to the park without checking the FAQ, they'll be met with a "last second" charge (unless they want to turn around and go home).
And you think the measly and incredibly common $6 fee that is clearly explained before you complete your purchase (and/or drive 200 miles) is worse?
I would ask where the logic is, but I've long since stopped trying to find it among your complaints about the evils of the park's management strategy.
I think both of the fee's are stupid, parking and the $6 online fee. That is why I bought a Cedar Fair platinum pass. Deal with it once and never again. I understand that they are in the business to make money and that is why they do it.
It makes parking more of a direct charge. A van with 8 people pays the same amount for parking as a car with one. Both take up the same amount of space in the parking lot. If parking was rolled up into the admission price, the group of 8 would be paying more in total.
Also serves to encourage people to buy platinum passes. And that probably encourages people to visit other Cedar Fair parks.
I sort of indicated it was a direct charge when I talked about "renting the space" and said that was also a weak argument. It is a perk of the platinum pass designed to increase purchases; but, you could also say more realistically the price of parking is what makes the price higher. You are still paying for the added perks, the park just gives a better value. I'm not saying the park would keep the price of general admission the same. They could just figure out the average number passengers per vehicle and raise the price accordingly. I would say that most times when people car pool to the park they divide the cost of parking between the occupants anyways.
As for the distinction, I said, I don't like either of them, just one slightly less than the other. While the parking fees are not in plain view on the site, parking is mentioned numerous places on the site and in advertisements (like advertisements for the platinum pass and hotels). It is something that the average customer would be aware of. I could hitch a ride to the park and be a cheapskate and not pay my buddy for parking if he drove, but still get in the park. None of that is true with the service fee.
Jeez 15 dollars is still cheap to me. I spend 40 dollars to park for the Indy 500 race and I still have 1/2 mile walk to the track.
The PointGuru said:
I could hitch a ride to the park and be a cheapskate and not pay my buddy for parking if he drove, but still get in the park. None of that is true with the service fee.
Yes it is.
You could be a cheapskate, have your buddy drive you to the park, not pay him for parking, and buy your Platinum Pass sans fee at the Season Pass office.
Goodbye MrScott
Pointing that out in the processing fee thread was useless. I suspect the same will be true here.
Unless you are one of the majority of park visitors who only go to the park once or twice a year and you have no need for or intention of buying a platinum pass. Then you still have to pay the fee if you want to buy your tickets online. But, that goes back to the other thread and why should a customer have to pay for something that is more of a convenience to the park and thousands of other businesses do for free or at least include in the price.
Here's the problem with all PointGuru's arguments, he wants the impossible. He wants free parking, no convenience fees for online purchases, cheaper food in the park, etc. But I bet he'd be the first one screaming if the park were packed as a result of much lower prices, and he had to wait in long lines, especially since, in his perfect world, there would be no Fast Lane.
There'd also be less staff at the park (with lower revenues), fewer new attractions, etc. Then he'd be crying about that. This is why I refuse to engage him directly any longer, it's a no-win argument, but he can't see that with his liberal blinders on.
To get an idea of his mindset, google the Youtube video with Peter Schiff where he interviews people about banning corporate profits. Good stuff.
On Edit: I'm not blasting liberals here, just the uber-liberal philosophy that money and capitalism are inherently bad. Those who share those views have likely not really thought about what such a world would look like, and the potential unintended consequences.
TwistedWicker77 said:
Anyway, that's why I go Platinum every year so I don't have to fork out the now $15 for parking
That was my deciding factor in a season or platinum pass this season
PG, did you know that you can leave the parking lot once and not have to pay to get back in? That way you can leave the park and eat cheap food somewhere on 250 and then come back and not have to pay again. Using this logic parking is really only $7.50! Also, if you can find someone to drop you off at the front gate they can get their money back on their way out of the lot so you could park for free. Now all you need to do is find a buddy to drop you off for less than $15.
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