Parking Tax?

I would be surprised if Cedar Point would be opposed to this new tax. If the price goes up more guest are going to "car pool" to the parks. This reduces the number of cars (something parks with cheaper parking have trouble with). Problems with SFO last year are good examples. People were flocking to the park with one or two people per car.

The down side for us is that the park has to raise the price to at least double the tax to keep equal income.

2001 park line up:

Cedar Point May 5-6, 16
(other parks N/A as of March 1)
Parking fees, on occasion, exist to encourage car pooling. I'm imagining a point where it makes better financial sense to "lose" revenue through carpooling then to spend money constructing more parking spaces and paying for additional staff and services. So much land is "wasted" for parking lots. Not just CP but the world in general. Just think of of much more land CP could use if it didn't have to worry about storing 10 million cars every day
*** This post was edited by Joe on 3/10/2001. ***

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