Park Strategies

I just wanted to know your park strategies, such as when you get there, what and when you ride, when you eat, what you do if a line is long or the weather turns devilish, and all that good stuff. I just thought we could get all our park strategies together and maybe find out new ideas.

I'll let you know of my strategy on Monday! :)
There already is a lot of help in the "Strategy" section to your left...A basic thing to remember is to start in the back, no matter what the day.
I wonder how the strategies have changed now that MF is here.

Well, here is my strategy. It was Sunday May 21.

Get to the park as early as possible. Head towards Corkscrew. Good starter and it gets you away from the crowds near the front of the park. Take a ride or two and imediately head back to Gemini. Again, take a ride or two and then go to Mean Streak. Magnum will have a good line by now so it can wait, especally if you want to "step up". Ride Mean Streak 2-3 times (no wait!) and then head back hitting the Mine Ride, Wild Cat, and Iron Dragon and then get right on Mantis (but make sure you check MF's wait, because it will sure make the Mantis wait seem short). By now your stomach will be itching for some fries and a burger so grab it or head to the picnic place and eat. Take some time to relax and maybe even take the sky ride (don't forget to say, "WASSUPPPP" to the passerby's) to the front of the park to slow yourself down. After your done eating, get right on Disaster Transport (20 minute wait but it's a good one to do if you just ate a descent meal). Now, I would go to Magnum (not Raptor yet). You might only get one ride but thats all you want to do if you want to get on MF. Now go all the way back to Raptor. After that, its time for Millennium Force. 3 hours and under is a must. Get on. Ride it. Love it. As one rider put it, "That ride was worth twice the wait!" or another said, "You, me, and Millennium Force, we gonna ride together, right here, right now." After your great ride on Millennium Force, get on Blue Streak and maybe Power Tower.

There you go, you got all the rides in (well, except Jr. Gemini and Woodstock Express).
My modo: "find what the crowd is doing, then do the opposite." The line will be long for MF any time of day so just pretend the glass is half full. Make sure you enjoy the line because its a trip.
Ok i have only been to c.p.twice and am planning a trip tue,30and wed,31 any advice on how to hit the park?
hey prof1ler, im going those days too! cant wait to ride MF!!
Our stratagy was to hit MF first, in fact we ran to it. Then we hit the others as they came along.

"If I go crazy, will you still call me Superman?" Kryptonite-Three Doors Down

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