Overkill = More Safe

JuggaLotus's avatar

Morté615 said:
But I do have a question, the seatbelt on Corkscrew, is there a reason that they were placed in the middle of the restraint instead of off to the side.

Because the idea was thought up and implemented by someone with a law degree.

I have a very hard time getting it buckled because I can't see what I'm doing. And the ops can't help because they're a little wary of sticking their hands between someones legs (not that I can blame them). It would have made more sense for the buckle to be on the restraint and the belt on the seat.

Goodbye MrScott


Morté615 said:
OK first off let me say that I have NEVER felt anything but safe on rides at ANY perminenet amusement park that I have been too.

Ever been to Fun Spot?

(Just like there's no "I" in team, there's no "I" in permanent, by the way ;) )

I hear it makes running three trains entirely pointless.

Sure looked that way to me---and even two trains would stack from time to time---but I don't think the belts are the only problem this year. This is one ride where the relaxed loose articles policy has been a problem---too many morons get in the train and pull down restraints holding purses, packs, etc. As I understand it, the ops aren't supposed to take articles from guests, but it's either that or release the car, have the guest get out and put the item in a bin and get back in, and recheck the car. More than once, the ops just took whatever it was and binned it.

The entrance op at CS used to be a real pain in the tuchas turning away tons of tweens who wanted to bring a couple of cubic yards of junk on the ride, but perhaps to good effect in capacity.

The crew may be contributing too, but they seem to stomp pedals with some urgency, so I don't think so.
*** Edited 6/1/2006 5:46:34 PM UTC by Brian Noble***

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