
News said last night 4-8 inches of snow for Sandusky area. Also, with winds of 30-40 mph. This could slow down construction...I see the webcam's arn't working...maybe they were blown down???
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Um construction for the most part is DONE and Stuff;)

no more erecting, its all cosmetic, testing systems, installing systems etc

Fear the Mullet!

Actually a segment of track blew off and smacked the Beach cam into the middle of next week.

I figured I'd beat a troll to this rumor.  Feel free to refer them to this link in the future.


How come the Power Tower one is working, the WT is down, and the one on the Breakers is really dark?
Tim, who hopes to work at Cedar Point one day and understand half of this site.
Thankfully the really bad storm the predicted never hit us but still it is cold and wet with just a little bit of snow.Toledo and Detroit however were not so lucky.


"I Found No Love In The V.I.P. Room Of The Big Bop Just Bryan Adams And A Bowl Of Peanuts,I Talked To The Bowl Of Peanuts All Night If You Know What I Mean."

I actually heard that another tower from Vertigo blew over and knocked the webcam for Wicket Twister off-line.  They had to darken the webcam on Breakers so they did not show any evidence of it actually happening.



I think the Breakers cam has not been up dated since late last night or somthing.... Take a peak at the Webcams Now!


*** This post was edited by crashoverride on 2/26/2002. ***

Gemini's avatar
Looking at the time lapse from this afternoon (http://www.virtualmidway.com/wt022602.mov - 631k) gives an interesting view of the snow fall.

The snow hits hard and fast, then slows down. After stopping, the accumulation right along the water melts first, followed by the rest of the beach. Notice, though, how the lawns around the hotel remain snow covered. The concrete sidewalks remain wet throughout. Definite differences between the sand, concrete, and grass.

Virtual Midway

*** This post was edited by Gemini on 2/26/2002. ***

The storm move up more into Mich. So it almost skiped CP. Toledo it don't get hit that bad so I am Most sure CP did not! Very place in Mich. is probly pretty bad.
Being in the path of that storm, I knew they would "over-forecast" Were supposed to get 4-8 inches, and got maybe 2...

MF count: 23

CP_bound if you live in toledo, YA i know what you mean they always do. Funny part is my brother is a weather freak and he said 6-10 in. for us and we only got at most 2in.
P>ONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e0ecf8">Toledo didn't get much but it is snowing agian now.  So I guess we'll see./P>
OK maybe we can double or snow in one day here.
If you get rid of the square wheels on Mean Streak, There will be no mean left in the Mean Streak. Are we going to call it Streak now? KEEP IT AS IT IS!

*** This post was edited by CP rules on 2/26/2002. ***

That time lapse is pretty sweet, Walt.
You really can't predict the weather anymore I guess...As most of you know, I live about 20 minutes south of Detroit and we did get snowed on...The hardest amount of snow was much more north of us...Near Lansing and Flint...We were supposed to get around 4-8 inches and we have maybe 2 inches on the ground here...I watched the doppler forcasts last night and I could see that the snow was going to greatly miss Cedar Point..Maybe some snow accumulated in Sandusky but most of it was supposed to be rain...I have no idea what happened because I don't live there...But we got the mostly rain part of the storm as did most of the people south of us...The people north of me got much more snow...I think it's funny when weather forcasters predict huge snow fall and it's barely enough to coat the ground...Maybe that's why most schools wait until the last minute to call of school...they can never be sure...
I got like an inch on my grass and thats about it where I am in MI. I'm sure it will be 60 again next week.
Steve Sergent
MF count: 162
Don't live in Toledo, over in Indiana a few miles form the Ohio border.

MF count: 23

*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 2/27/2002. ***

It's getting hammered right now!
Toledo is getting hit pretty hard right now.
It's the Weather Channel forums. ;)

Closed topic.

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