Other work on Dragster

This might be a little off topic, but i see people standing around in the station grouped together. I guess its the mechanics. I would be willing to wager that they are getting ready to re-open ttd, just fixing all the problems, and making sure EVERYTHING is working fine and up to par.

pm me with what you think.

I see them too. Also, why does it look like there is a train waiting to launch? There are only a couple on the transfer tracks. Am I just seeing things?

Race For The Sky!

When I try to go on Chris's Dragster pictures, it says,"Unavailable" for me too.
Like he said in his post, if they don't work, copy and paste the address.

It looks to me like they are just moving trains around. Maybe they are testing the new wheels, or maybe we could see a launch today. The easiest way to see if they have launched is to watch the line outside of the queue entrance :)
Admin- rollercoast.proboards16.com/
Copy and paste won't solve the "your Geocities account is over its hourly bandwidth" problem, which seems to be a common one around here with the folks who have the lack of foresight to see that posting photos to a highly trafficed website might tip them over the top of their 1MB/Hour.

If you're too cheap to pay for hosting, get Webshots, ofoto, or another of those free photo galleries. It'll make you look better than an "unavailable" message.

- John
I Snap Flyers
*** This post was edited by Michael Darling 7/1/2003 1:00:30 PM ***

Well, it wouldn't let me see them right off the page for the obvious over hours problem, but it did let me see the pics when I did a right click and save.. odd.
*** This post was edited by Brother Jay 7/1/2003 2:07:45 PM ***
John - that's a separate Geocities account that I use, so there must've been a bunch of people trying to access it at one time. But those links shouldn't get used up as often as the regular site does.

The Point of Cedars - Pointing you in the right direction!

I just saw on the webcam a ride op in the station. Are they getting ready to launch. I can see one train in the station. Also, there is some wierd metal object that is sitting on the exit platform. I wonder what it is for.

Race For The Sky!

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
As torn up as everything looked when I was there yesterday, I doubt they'll be testing anytime soon. Yesterday, the gold train was in the station while the others were on the transfers. There seemed to be a lot of work on the transfer track its self. Mechanics had to manually push the trains around because all the kicker wheels were off.

-Chris Woodard
"We got pop and Gatorade over here for $100 a bottle, so have your credit card ready. Seriously, the food here is so expensive, I just eat the condiments because I can't afford a meal." - MF que DJ 6/16/03

Everything Ralph described was still true as of this afternoon when I left, so I doubt they'll be launching today.
I agree with Westside on this one. From the webcam right now it looks like it ready to test. But of course it is hard to see from the webcam. So i am wonder what they are doing

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